
  • 网络mixing fog
  1. 你能想出其他混合雾的例子吗?

    Can you think of other instances of mixing ?

  2. 筛板不均匀漏液的规律及其影响液体并流塔板汽体不混合时雾沫夹带和漏液对塔板效率的影响

    Effect of Entrainment and Weeping on Distillation Tray Efficiency Under Conditions of Unmixed Vapor Between Mixed Pools and Liquid Flowing in the Same Direction on Successive Trays

  3. 本文研究了喷雾塔内的两相混合及雾粒粒径对传质行为的影响。

    Marine Fog Hybrid Library Hybrid Binders The mixing of two phases and the influence of drop size on mass transfer were studied in a spray column with pneumatic nozzle .

  4. 混合池模型计算雾沫夹带对蒸馏效率的影响

    The Effect of Liquid Entrainment on Distillation Efficiencies

  5. 其目的是确定地面泵压、排量等施工参数为何值时,进入油套环空的气、液混合液呈“雾流”状态;

    We want to know the value of construction parameterslike the surface pump pressure and delivery capacity when the mixed fluid is fog statein casing tubing annulus ;