
  • 网络greater china;great china;big china
  1. CPS服务已经在大中国区开始试运行,为了更好地帮助合作伙伴推广该服务,思科服务现推出激励方案。

    To promote CPS while drive partner adoption , Cisco Services now launch an Incentive Program for CPS which has already piloted in Greater China .

  2. 此外,笔者在结语中还谈到了大中国自由贸易区的实现步骤:应当在完善CEPA及ECFA的相关规定,并尝试先加强小区域经济合作的基础上,循序渐进地进行。

    Besides , the author mentions the implementation steps of the " Greater China FTA " in the collusion part : it should be gradually established based on both the improvement of CEPA and ECFA and reinforcement of the small regional economic cooperation .

  3. 华锐风电(sinovel)、金丰科技(goldwind)和东方汽轮机(dec)这三大中国本土涡轮机制造商各占了近20%的新增容量。

    Sinovel , Goldwind and Dec , the three largest domestic turbine suppliers , accounted for close to 20 per cent each of the new capacity .

  4. 在1980年,大中国只占世界贸易的18%。

    In 1980 greater China accounted for just 1.8 percent of world trade .

  5. 负责大中国地区的销售业务。

    Be in charge of sales in Asia-Pacific region .

  6. 新加坡艺人林俊杰被任为新加坡在大中国区的旅游大使。

    Singapore artiste JJ Lin has been appointed the new tourism ambassador to greater china .

  7. 我爱的大中国。

    I love the Greater China .

  8. 同时,我也已经让星巴克大中国区的副总裁翁以登本人来联系你。

    In the meantime , I have asked Eden Woon , vice president of Starbucks Greater China , to reach out to you personally .

  9. 从第二季度的趋势看,这很重要;该季度销售额在世界多数地区都呈现环比下降,只有大中国区和美洲实现盈利。

    That matters given second-quarter trends , where sales fell on a sequential basis in every other part of the globe and only greater China and the Americas were profitable .

  10. 若两岸四地成功建立大中国自由贸易区将不仅有利于促进四地的经贸合作,更有利于中国同其他国家或者地区开展自由贸易。

    Once the " Greater China FTA " is established , it will not only be good for promoting these four areas ' economic and trade cooperation , but also be good for China to carry out free trade with other countries and areas .

  11. 共筑更加紧密的中非命运共同体,符合中非人民共同利益。海不辞水,故能成其大。中国是世界上最大的发展中国家,非洲是发展中国家最集中的大陆,中非早已结成休戚与共的命运共同体。

    To quote a Chinese saying , " The ocean is vast because it rejects no rivers . " China , the world 's largest developing country , and Africa , the continent with the largest number of developing countries , have long formed a community with a shared future .

  12. 特别是自我国加入WTO以后,我国船代企业的数量增幅很大。入围500大:中国企业的光荣与梦想

    The quantity of vessel - agency enterprises increased obviously after China 's entry into WTO . Entry into Fortune 500

  13. 去年11月,权力颇大的中国国务院国有资产监督管理委员会(Sasac,国资委)决定,凯雷可以持有50%的股份。

    Last November , the influential State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission ( Sasac ) decided Carlyle could take a 50 per cent stake .

  14. 昨日公布的监管文件显示,中国第二大银行中国建设银行(ccb)可能将在内地股市进行规模最大的发行。

    China Construction Bank , the second-biggest lender in the country , could launch the largest listing on the mainland stock market , according to regulatory filings released yesterday .

  15. 奥运之帆高扬在中国海疆&海尔·青岛号大帆船中国沿海行纪实

    On-the-spot Record of China Coastal Cruise of " Haier-Qingdao " Sailboat

  16. 越来越大的中国经济规模和越来越近的硬着陆危险

    Chinese Larger Economy Size and Clearer Hard Landing Risks

  17. 日本人凭什么侵略一个若大的中国?

    Why does the Japanese invade if big China ?

  18. 党的十六大以来中国特色社会主义理论的新发展

    The New Development of Socialism Theory with Chinese Characteristics since the 16th Party Congress

  19. 国际四大在中国的审计质量

    Audit Quality of Big Four Auditors in China

  20. 有许多大的中国工厂。

    There are many big factories in China .

  21. 西部大开发中国有经济职能的定位与改革

    On The Position And Reform Of The State-owned Economy In The Strategy Of The Western Development

  22. 随着世界经济的发展,对能源的需求越来越大,中国石油作为我国第一大原油生产企业,每年的原油产量升降都倍受关注。

    Along with the world economics development , the demand for energy is more and more pressing .

  23. 星期四医生成功地切除了两个月大的中国男婴的罕见的发育成形的第三只手。

    Doctors on Tuesday successfully removed an unusually well-formed third arm from a2 - month-old Chinese boy .

  24. 厄尔尼诺事件强度越大,中国登陆热带气旋数越少;

    The greater the intensity of El Nino event , the less the frequencies of tropical cyclones landing in China ;

  25. 会计师事务所国际化的动因、模式和客户发展&以四大在中国市场的扩张为例

    The Motivation , Mode and Client Development of Audit Firms ' Internationalization & The case of Big Four in China market

  26. 戴尔新的运营基地昨天在成都正式开张,以扩大在它的第二大市场中国的业务。

    DELL officially opened its new operations site in Chengdu yesterday to expand its presence in China , its second-largest market .

  27. 增值税对城乡居民的收入差距影响比较大,中国存在重复征收增值税和大量逃增值税。

    Fifth VAT is relatively large impact on the income gap of urban and rural residents ; China has a repeat value-added tax .

  28. 南高、东大作为中国科学社的大本营,展开了中国科学的奠基工作,成为中国科学发展的一个主要基地。

    As the major base of the Chinese Science Society , the university has initiated many fundamental researches which direct Chinese science development afterwards .

  29. 这些议员必须认识到,不管是什么事,你对中国施加的压力越大,中国就越不可能照办。

    Signatories must realise that the more pressure you put on China to do anything , the less likely it is to do it .

  30. 《中国日报》报道称,无论面临的困难有多大,中国法律专家希望这些诉讼案例能够成为环境污染案例中的一座里程碑。

    Regardless of the difficulties faced , Chinese law experts hope the cases could provide a landmark in cases of environmental pollution , according to China Daily .