
  • 网络Always Solitary
  1. 保持距离也就能保护自己,却也注定永远寂寞。

    Keep distance can protect themselves , but also doomed to lonely .

  2. 心儿呵,心儿却永远寂寞。

    The heart-the heart-is lonely still .

  3. 付出真心才会得到真心,却可能伤的彻底;保持距离就能保护自己,却注定永远寂寞。

    Your heart will be true , but it may hurt ; distance can protect themselves , but destined never lonely .

  4. 能为别人设想的人,永远不寂寞。

    You will be never lonely as long as you care about other man .

  5. 你永远不会感到寂寞,以后再也不会,因为现在你有我。

    You 'll never feel lonely , ever again , because you have me now .

  6. 我的心将永远都是寂寞的。

    My heart will always be lonely .

  7. 只要你手里有一本好书,你将永远不会感到寂寞。

    So long as you have a good book at hand , you 'll never feel lonely .

  8. 在山中行走的你永远不会感到寂寞或者单调,这里是野生动物的家园,他们会随时随刻陪伴你。

    Here is the home for animals accompanying you in the Rocky Mountains , you will never feel solitary or lonely at all .

  9. 彭斯视野所映射的最终一个信息,可能就在于艺术中永远没有完全的寂寞孤独。

    A final message of Peng Si 's vision may be that in art there is never total loneliness .