
  1. 教育水平、睡眠潜伏期、慢波睡眠比例、快速眼动相睡眠比例、夜间觉醒次数和夜间最低血氧饱和度可能与SAS患者记忆改变有关。

    The correlated risk factors with memory changes in SAS patients were educational levels , sleep latency , percentage of slow wave sleep or rapid eye movement sleep , arousals and minimum arterial oxygen saturation .

  2. 如果端坐呼吸引起夜间觉醒,经坐起缓解,是为阵发性夜间呼吸困难。

    If orthopnea causes awakening during the night and is relieved by sitting , it is called paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea .

  3. 一旦养成了健康的睡眠习惯,可防止婴幼儿不愿入睡以及夜间觉醒。

    Once developed a healthy sleep habits to prevent infants and young children do not want to fall asleep and awakening during the night .

  4. 相关研究报道小剂量奥氮平能够减少入睡时间和夜间觉醒次数,增加睡眠总时间,提高睡眠效率,同时使日间功能及睡眠满意度明显改善。

    Studies have reported that small dose of olanzapine can decrease the times of sleep and wake up at night and increase total sleep time , sleep efficiency , daytime function and satisfaction improved significantly .

  5. 结果治疗前后两组病人总睡眠时间、早醒延迟时间、夜间觉醒次数与治疗前相比有明显改善(P<0.05)。

    Result At the end of trial , total sleeping time , postponement of early awakening and frequencies of waking up in sleeping time had significantly improved than those of before the treatment ( P < 0.05 ) in both groups .

  6. 由于此病的患者在夜间非常容易觉醒,造成白天嗜睡、脾气暴躁、注意力不集中、记忆力减弱,因此严重影响了他们白天的工作生活。

    Patients prone to excessive sleepiness in daytime , and irritability , difficulty concentrating , memory loss due to nocturnal awakenings , which affects their working life during the day seriously .