- 网络Doha Round;Doha round negotiations

" We rightly prioritize the Doha round because it will deliver trade benefits to Korea and the EU that no single bilateral trade agreement can match ," mandelson said .
EU 's Reform on CAP and WTO 's Doha Round
The Trend of Doha Negotiation Round and the Countermeasures China should Take
The World Trade Organisation is charged with concluding its Doha round and containing protectionism .
The WTO 's Doha round , which commenced in 2001 , is paralysed and lingering unfinished .
The relation between trade and environment has made a vital subject under discussion in the new round of Doha negotiation of WTO .
The author introduces the domestic support about agriculture negotiations in the Doha Round , then make some suggestion for Doha round negotiations on Agriculture .
But what can be done by the APEC nations to reinforce Doha ?
But Dan price , deputy US National Security Advisor for economic affairs , said Mr Bush remained hopeful of successful completion to the Doha round .
In this context , the reduction or elimination of tariff and non-tariff barriers to environmental goods and services was formally presented as a topic during WTO Doha Round .
Corresponding to the indefinitely termination of Doha Round of WTO negotiations in July 2006 and arrested development of WTO , the regional and bilateral economic cooperation has developed rapidly .
Especially the break down of Cancun meeting in September 2003 made the negotiation reaching to a deadlock . The prestige of WTO and the prospect of multilateral trade system were challenged .
To blame the World Trade Organisation for the stalling of trade liberalisation and the troubled Doha round of talks is like blaming a World Cup final referee for the quality of football .
Mr Nath was speaking ahead of a meeting of about 30 trade ministers at the World Economic Forum in Davos on Saturday , who will discuss restarting the talks that were suspended indefinitely in July last year .
Christine Lagarde , French trade minister , yesterday played down the significance of the decision to restart talks .
" If Doha does not go ahead , APEC will look at options including preferential trading within APEC , " said Prof moshirian .
A broader group of naysayers would be jolted into supporting the global approach , including India and Brazil as well as the EU , because they would be so adversely affected if " plan B " were to supplant Doha .
A Japan deal is one of several bilateral trade agreements that the EU has embarked on amid a growing realisation that the Doha talks aimed at reaching a global pact through the World Trade Organisation have failed .
The issue of trade and environment is an important subject of the doha round negotiation . As the connection of technological standard and the trade , free trade will be influenced when disguised by environmental protection claims .
As a new member that had just made a great deal of commitments , it is a logical strategy for China to act as a bridgebuilder between developed countries and developing countries and to promote the WTO more balanced and pro-poor .
First , they all hope to join a nascent trade agreement called the Trans-Pacific Partnership , the biggest game in free-trade town since the collapse of the Doha round of World Trade Organisation talks .
In recent years , WTO negotiation went on with great difficulties in Doha and even suffered frustrations in Cancun conference , which has quickened global economic cooperation within regions . Regional trade agreement has become an important form for international economy cooperation .
The proposed deal would be a last-ditch attempt to revive the Doha round before a US law enhancing President George W. Bush 's authority to negotiate trade pacts expires later this year .
We will continue to support the Doha round of World Trade Organisation talks , work for the signing of bilateral free trade agreements , upgrade the China-Asean Free Trade Area , and provide a level playing field and a better legal environment for foreign investors .
The free trade area would be a threatening alternative to the non-Apec nations – the European Union , India and Brazil – that are refusing to make the concessions necessary to close the round .
Although the Doha Round negotiation is currently in severe setback , the significance of the dispute settlement mechanism of WTO will not gradually be impaired . As long as WTO is persistently in existence , its dispute settlement mechanism will continuously dominate the WTO multilateral trading system .
In the past year the Doha round at the World Trade Organisation has failed . And if the negotiations at the WTO cannot be brought to fruition , what chance will there be of achieving the much more difficult task of negotiating a global climate-change agreement next year ?
Pascal Lamy , Director-General of the World Trade Organisation , is expected to be in Sydney to cajole APEC members including China , Japan and South Korea to make another push to complete the Doha round .
Separately , heads of government at the Asia-Pacific Economic Co-operation meeting in Peru issued a statement directing ministers to meet in Geneva to revive the Doha round , saying they expected an " ambitious and balanced " result .
Two issues are debated in the TRIPS Council under the Doha mandate in the field of geographical indications negotiations : creating a multilateral system of notification and registration of geographical indications for wines and spirits ; extending a higher level of protection beyond wines and spirits .