
huáng quán
  • netherworld;the grave
黄泉 [huáng quán]
  • [netherworld;the grave] 地下的泉水;地面;墓地;迷信者称人死后居住的地方

  • 不及黄泉,无相见也。——《左传·隐公元年》

  • 下饮黄泉。——《荀子·劝学》

  • 黄泉共为友。——《玉台新咏·古诗为焦仲卿妻作》

  • 吾独向黄泉。

  • 黄泉下相见。

  • 两眼下视黄泉,看天就是傲慢

  • 上穷碧落下黄泉,两处茫茫皆不见

黄泉[huáng quán]
  1. 相传人死后,过了鬼门关便上了黄泉路,路上盛开着只见花,不见叶的彼岸花。

    Legend has it that after death , the gates of hell will be on the netherworld Road , road is in full bloom and flowers , do not see the equinox flower leaf .

  2. 他忽视了降落伞上要求使用更结实的绳索的警告信息,因而命丧黄泉。

    He was killed because he ignored a warning to put stronger cords on his parachute

  3. 你们准备为他举行一个黄泉欢送会?

    You decided to throw him a dead man 's party ?

  4. 一个失足,就会使我们命丧黄泉。

    One slip could send us falling to our death .

  5. 黄泉村的这些厕所很可能会因此成为‘景点’。

    Those restrooms in Yellow Springs-more than likely-will become attractions in themselves .

  6. 如果我们在一起,会一起命丧黄泉。

    If we stay together , we could all wind up dead .

  7. 又黑又阴沉,像地狱的黄泉和冥河一样。

    Dark and dismal as of the rivers Acheron and Styx in Hades .

  8. 如果你前往札哈洞,你会命丧黄泉。

    If you go to z'ha'dum you will die .

  9. 你的家人会在黄泉路上与你相会的。

    Your family will meet you in the afterlife .

  10. 可我才不管有多少人命归黄泉哩。

    But I didn 't really care how many people bit the dust .

  11. 这些的当中是黄泉城市的城垛和防御。

    One of these is the battlements and defenses of the city of Dis .

  12. 一个梳头的动作就能让你命丧黄泉

    Just combing your hair could kill you .

  13. 妻也空,子也空,黄泉路上不相逢。

    Wife are empty , son of space , would not meet the Styx .

  14. 结果男人命丧黄泉,他妻子却活了下来。

    So he died but the woman survived .

  15. 这么说你要把他送上黄泉?

    So you send him to his death ?

  16. 你是在将他们送上黄泉路!

    You 're sending them to their graves !

  17. 但是你却把他们引向黄泉。

    And you led them to slaughter .

  18. 为此,罗马史的研究者们上穷碧落下黄泉,进行了多角度多层次的探讨。

    Therefore , the roman historians have been working hardly on the multi-angle and multi-level studies .

  19. 如果你和我一样对这些鱼充满关爱之情就会希望它们带着尊严,庄重的赴黄泉

    If you Iove fish Iike I do , you want them to die with dignity .

  20. 地震无情地将一个个鲜活的生命葬送于黄泉,毁灭了多少个家庭?

    Seismic callosity ground each fresh life put an end to at Acheron , how many family to destroy ?

  21. 假如再把“黄泉大道”的直线延长,就到了塞罗戈多山上的两处遗址。

    If then " Death Road " in a straight line extension to the Cerro Gordo on the hill two sites .

  22. 在我服役期间,渴望生命、渴望爱情的年轻男女却走上了黄泉之路。

    Under my responsibility , young men and women who wanted to live , wanted to love , went to their deaths instead .

  23. 许多人都在寻找它,有一些人为了寻找它而命丧黄泉。那唯一知道金矿下落的人已经死了。

    Many had looked for it , and some had died looking for it.The only men who knew where it was were now dead .

  24. 那么,你是愿意放手一搏,还是要等到年华老去,心中满是遗憾,孤单的迈向黄泉路?

    So do you want to take a leap of faith or become an old man , filled with regret , waiting to die alone ?

  25. 那么,你是愿意放手一搏……还是要等到年华老去,心中充满遗憾……孤单地迈向黄泉路?

    So do you want to take a leap of faith ... or become an old man , filled with regret waiting to die alone ?

  26. 他们上青天,下黄泉,游走八方,不论遇见什么状况,都能气定神闲地从容应付。

    He goes around to the heaven , or under the earth , no matter what conditions , he can handle everything at ease and leisure .

  27. 他静静等待着苍蝇落在他左手背上,然后缓缓抬起右手,猛地拍过去,在旁观者的赞叹声中,苍蝇已经“蝇”头落地,命丧黄泉。

    He waits for the offending insect to settle on his left hand , raises his right and then swats it to gasps of admiration from onlookers .

  28. 位于俄亥俄州西南部黄泉村的一所公厕内搞起了画展,上厕所的人可以在此欣赏到挂在墙上的各种原创绘画作品。

    Anyone who uses the public restrooms in Yellow Spring , a southwest Ohio village , will be treated to a display of original paintings on the walls .

  29. 关于他,故事多着呢;比如说,孩子们死了,在黄泉路上,他陪着他们走一段,免得他们害怕。

    There were odd stories about him , as that when children died he went part of the way with them , so that they should not be frightened .

  30. 据法新社报道,俄罗斯远东地区布拉戈维申斯克一名男子为进行耐力测试,在朋友家的花园里将自己“活埋”,谁料弄假成真,命丧黄泉。

    Russian man died after burying himself alive in a friend 's garden in the Far Eastern city of Blagoveshchensk in an endurance test that went wrong , AFP reported .