
yù wài xiào lì
  • extraterritorial effect;extraterritorial operation
  1. 从我国QDII法律监管看行政法的域外效力

    The Extraterritorial Effect of Administrative Law from the Perspective of Legal Supervision of China 's QDII System

  2. 《1998年国际宗教自由法》(以下简称IRFA)是由美国保守派推动制订的一部具有域外效力的美国国内法。

    IRFA which was formulated by the promotion of American conservatives is an American law with extraterritorial effect .

  3. WTO与反垄断法的域外效力&兼谈我国现状及对策

    WTO and Anti - Monopolization

  4. 论欧盟对美国经济法域外效力的法律阻却

    EU 's Blocking Regulation to U.S. Extraterritorial Application of Economic Law

  5. 反垄断法的域外效力与适用刍议

    Discussion on Application outside the Country in the Antimonopoly Law

  6. 破产的域外效力问题研究

    A Study on the Extraterritorial Effect of Insolvency Proceedings

  7. 随着世界经济、贸易等诸领域国际交流的日趋频繁和普遍,破产宣告的域外效力问题成为任何一部现代破产法不可回避的内容之一。

    Any bankruptcy law can 't avoid the question of the bankruptcy effects beyond territory .

  8. 关于反垄断法域外效力的几点思考

    Reflections on Extraterritorial Effect of Antimonopoly Law

  9. 《关贸总协定》第二十条囚犯产品的例外支持劳动法的域外效力。

    Exception of products of prison labor in article 20 supports extraterritoriality of labor standard .

  10. 主要总结笔者对于反垄断法域外效力的总体看法。

    The author summed up the overall view on the law extraterritorial effect of anti-monopoly .

  11. 地区性的跨国破产公约,特别是欧洲的跨国破产公约为国际破产法的统一化运动增色不少。此外,各国还缔结了大量的双边条约以解决破产宣告的域外效力问题。

    Regional treaties on transnational bankruptcy , especially in European countries , have promoted the movement .

  12. 论保险代位权的效力反垄断法的域外效力与适用刍议

    ON the Enforcement of Insurance Subrogation Discussion on Application outside the Country in the Antimonopoly Law

  13. GATT/WTO的争端解决机制处理了一些涉及经济行政法域外效力的案例。

    GATT / WTO dispute settlement body has accepted and dealt with several cases concerning extraterritoriality .

  14. 论跨国破产的域外效力

    Extraterritorial Effect of Transnational Bankruptcy

  15. 《关贸总协定》第二十一条关于安全的例外也常被引用,作为出口管制法律域外效力的依据。

    Security exception in article 21 is used as a base for extraterritoriality of export control acts .

  16. 反垄断法域外效力的理论和实践均起源于美国。

    Both the theories and the practices on the exterritorial effect of anti-monopoly law originated from the America .

  17. 结合中国实际,深入研究我国破产法的域外效力问题,具有重要的理论与实践意义。

    Researches on the extraterritorial effect of insolvency combined with Chinese situation are valuable to both theory and practice .

  18. 一国的破产程序应否具有域外效力,成为处理跨国破产案件的前提。

    Whether the bankruptcy procedures of a country have the extraterritorial effect becomes a prerequisite in handling transnational bankruptcy cases .

  19. 破产域外效力的最终实现必须依赖于外国法院的承认与执行。

    The final realization of the extraterritorial effect of bankruptcy must rely on the admission and execution of foreign courts .

  20. 这两种机制分别从公法和私法两种不同的角度出发,导致了殊途同归的结果,即使得竟争法有了域外效力。

    Though stated from different points of view , they both offer ways to adapt competition law in the foreign lands .

  21. 通过对跨国破产概念的分析,界定了所要讨论的跨国破产问题的外延,之后,重点对破产宣告域外效力涉及的主要问题进行了分析。

    The author defines the extension of the cross-border insolvency problem and analyses several primary issues that the cross-border insolvency involves in .

  22. 该原则被用于推行基本劳动标准、金融管制(反恐)法律的域外效力。

    But it is now used as a base for extraterritoriality of basic labor standard and financial regulating ( anti-terrorism ) act .

  23. 对民营企业境外间接发行上市监管的域外效力&裕兴案引发的思考

    Extraterritorial Effect of Regulatory Authority on Indirect Issuing and Listing Security Abroad by Chinese Privately Owned Enterprises & the Yu Xing Case and Beyond

  24. 跨国破产案件涉及到的法律问题很多,但关键是跨国破产的域外效力问题。

    There are many legal problems in cases of cross-border insolvency , but the key issue is the extraterritorial jurisdiction of the insolvency adjudgment .

  25. 首先,法律的域外效力不应当被狭义地理解为外国法被内国法院予以适用,因为这只是法律域外效力的一种显性表现;

    First of all , it 's not reasonable to define the extraterritorial effect of law as the application of foreign laws by domestic courts .

  26. 所谓反垄断法的域外效力,是指作为国内法的反垄断法适用于该国主权范围之外的情况。

    When it comes to the exterritorial effect of antimonopoly law , it means that a native anti-monopoly law can be effective beyond the territory .

  27. 论文的第一部分主要阐述了跨国破产的相关概念,如破产、跨国破产、破产宣告及域外效力等基本问题。

    Section one of this thesis discusses the concerned concepts of cross-border insolvency , such as insolvency , cross-border , insolvency adjudgment and extraterritorial jurisdiction .

  28. 域外效力问题是跨境破产最重要的法律问题,是解决跨境破产案件的基础。

    The extraterritorial effect of insolvency , as the most important legal problem in cross-border insolvency , should be the basis of solving all cross-border insolvency cases .

  29. 论文的第二部分阐述了有关跨国破产域外效力的两种基本理论,即地域主义和普遍主义。

    Section two of this thesis discusses two basic theories concerned with extraterritorial jurisdiction of cross-border insolvency , namely the principles of Territorialism Bankruptcy and Universalism of Bankruptcy .

  30. 而欧洲法院倾向于采用履行地原则和单一经济实体原则,对后果原则虽不明确否认,但对其适用持谨慎的态度,不愿公开将后果原则作为欧盟反垄断法域外效力的法律基础。

    However , the EU courts prefer the performing place doctrine and the single entity doctrine and are chary of the effect doctrine although they never deny it explicitly .