
jī yīn ɡōnɡ chénɡ yì miáo
  • engineered vaccine;genetically engineered vaccine
  1. 当VP4蛋白与LTB共表达时,加强了黏膜免疫反应,LTB具有较好的免疫原性、抗原性和佐剂特性,可被用于基因工程疫苗的研制,很适合于用做黏膜疫苗的免疫佐剂。

    When VP4 was co-expressed with LTB , it showed much stronger mucosal immune responses . It indicated that LTB with qualified immunoreactivity , antigenicity and adjuvanticity could be used to develop genetically engineered vaccine .

  2. 因此,本研究表达的E1特异蛋白为进一步研制特异性RV检测试剂盒和开发新型基因工程疫苗提供了实验依据和方法基础。

    Therefore , the recombinant fusion protein expression is the basis of further the development of RV-specific Detection Kit and development of new genetically engineered vaccine .

  3. 基因工程疫苗的研究表明重组疫苗和DNA疫苗等新型疫苗具有较好的应用前景。

    The research in genetically engineering vaccine shows that the recombinant and DNA vaccines have a better practical perspective .

  4. 利用分子生物技术也研究出了很多基因工程疫苗比如基因工程活载体疫苗、亚单位疫苗和DNA疫苗等。

    There is a great deal of interest in the development of recombinant vector , DNA and protein subunit vaccines .

  5. 正因为如此,F蛋白已经成为研究新城疫基因工程疫苗和DNA疫苗等新型疫苗的首选抗原。

    Therefore , it is considered as the most predominant antigen in the vaccine including genetic engineering vaccine and DNA vaccine .

  6. 该细胞模型的初步建立有利于筛选高效价的基因工程疫苗和进行HBV复制行为的研究。

    The cell model was useful for evaluating potential genetic engineering vaccine and for studying on HBV DNA replication .

  7. 本文主要介绍有可能用于基因工程疫苗的DNA及RNA病毒载体构建及其应用。

    Here , we mainly discuss the construction and application of DNA , RNA vectors which can be potentially used for delivery vaccine .

  8. HPV6bL1重组质粒构建成功,并获得HPV6bL1蛋白,为该蛋白的功能及HPV的基因工程疫苗研究提供了物质基础。

    Thus provide material foundation to study the function of the protein and HPV vaccine engineering of CA.

  9. 结果表明国产乙肝基因工程疫苗均有良好的安全性和免疫原性,其阻断乙肝母婴传播的效果较同剂量血源疫苗好,与30μg血源疫苗的阻断效果相近。

    These results suggested that the Chinese recombinant hepatitis B vaccine was safe and effective . It was better than the plasma vaccine with the same dose .

  10. DNA疫苗作为继减毒疫苗,基因工程疫苗之后的第三代疫苗,它能够有效地诱导全面免疫反应,尤其是特异性CTL反应,使其成为今后疫苗研制的首选。

    DNA vaccine , as the third generation of vaccine , can effectively induce systemic and cellular immunities , especially CTL response .

  11. 结论成功地在CHO细胞中表达了狂犬病毒aG株的糖蛋白,为进一步开发狂犬病毒基因工程疫苗打下基础。

    Conclusion The successful expression of GP of rabies virus aG strain laid a foundation of further development of recombinant rabies vaccine .

  12. 流感病毒的糖蛋白NA是流感疫苗的一个主要抗原成份,利用其来开发流感基因工程疫苗是流感疫苗研究的一个重要部分。

    The glycoprotein neuraminidase was one of the major antigens of influenza vaccine , and developing neuraminidase as influenza vaccine was part of influenza vaccine research .

  13. 本试验为进一步深入研究RA的分子致病机理奠定基础以及鸭疫里氏杆菌基因工程疫苗的设计与研发提供理论依据。

    This laid a foundation for the molecular pathopoiesis mechanism and provide a theoretical basis for the design and research genetically engineering vaccine of R.anatipestifer .

  14. 随着DNA重组技术的发展和应用,DNA疫苗、病毒和细菌活载体疫苗等基因工程疫苗的研制日益成为医学领域的一大研究热点。

    As DNA recombinant technique develops and is used more and more , gene engineering vaccines such as DNA vaccine , live virus vector-based vaccine and live bacterium vector-based vaccine are being researched hotly in medical field .

  15. 本研究为HFRS基因工程疫苗研制中选择合适的免疫组分提供了重要的理论和实验依据。

    It has provided important theoretical and experimental evidences for choosing the proper immunogen ingredient for research and development of HFRS genetic engineering vaccine .

  16. 观察组接种甲肝减毒活疫苗(H2株),对照组接种乙肝基因工程疫苗。

    Group one was inoculated with live attenuated hepatitis A vaccine ( H 2 strain ) . Group two was inoculated with recombinant hepatitis B vaccine of gene .

  17. 反向遗传技术是一种新的分子生物学技术,它在深入研究负链RNA病毒基因组结构和功能,探寻其基因组复制、转录和研发新型基因工程疫苗上发挥着重要的作用。

    Reverse genetics , as a novel technique , has played an important role in study of structure , function of genome of negative-strand RNA virus and exploration of its replication , transcription and development of vaccine .

  18. 联合免疫组中vUTAL3CP1/pVIRIL18P1可以诱导比vUTAL3CP1/vUTAL3CP1更高的CTL杀伤活性,但体液免疫水平略低。结论证实了这2种基因工程疫苗在猪体内均有良好的免疫原性。

    PVIRIL18P1 / vUTAL3CP1 could induce higher CTL responses but lower antibody responses compared with vUTAL3CP1 / vUTAL3CP1.Conclusion Both these 2 recombinant vaccines have good immunogenicity in pigs .

  19. 结论预测的SARS冠状病毒S2刺突蛋白B细胞表位肽能够诱导家兔产生针对S2蛋白的抗体,为研制抗SARS病毒基因工程疫苗奠定了基础。

    CONCLUSION : The predicted B cell epitope peptide of SARS coronavirus S2 spike protein can induce the antigenicity of S2 protein , which provides some fundamental data for developing engineering vaccine against SARS coronavirus infection .

  20. 目前最有效、最经济预防和控制HBV的措施是疫苗接种,但现在的HBV基因工程疫苗存在一定低应答率问题。

    Today the most effective and economic way to prevent and control HBV is taking vaccine . However , there are some problems with the current HBV genetic engineering vaccines : inconvenient to use , high cost , no sub-response .

  21. 结论AlpA克隆、高效表达及其免疫原性的初步证实,为Hp基因工程疫苗的研制和粘附机制的研究打下了基础。

    Conclusion Cloning and high-expression of adhesin AlpA and primary confirmation of its immunogenicity lay the foundation for H.pylori gene engineering vaccine preparation and adhering mechanism research .

  22. HEV结构区ORF2蛋白在甲醇营养型酵母中的成功表达,以及初步纯化得到的具有强免疫学活性的重组蛋白,为研制新型戊型肝炎基因工程疫苗奠定了基础。

    The successful expression of HEV ORF2 protein in p.Pastoris and the production of recombinant protein provides basis for genetically engineered vaccine development of hepatitis E.

  23. 为发展国产化肾综合征出血热(HFRS)病毒基因工程疫苗,选择了汉滩病毒A9株M基因片段为目的基因,构建转染质粒pJSBA9M。

    In order to develope genetically engineered Chinese vaccine of HFRS , the hantaan virus A9 M genome segment of Chinese isolate was chosen as the target gene .

  24. 鸡传染性支气管重组鸡痘病毒基因工程疫苗对异源LHB株病毒攻击的免疫保护

    Protection immunization of avian infectious bronchitis vaccine expressed by recombinant fowlpox virus after challenged with different IBV LHB strain

  25. 轮状病毒主要中和抗原VP7对发展基因工程疫苗具有重要意义。

    VP7 is the major outer capsid and is a primary candidate for inclusion in a subunit or recombinant vaccine .

  26. 本研究证明了APP中三聚体自转运黏附素可以作为基因工程疫苗的候选靶位,并且为今后APP不同血清型新型多价疫苗研究、致病机理研究的建立提供必要的基础。

    This study demonstrated in APP trimeric adhesin from a transfer can be used as genetic engineering vaccine candidate targets , and different serotypes of APP for the future of new multivalent vaccine research , the establishment of pathogenic mechanism to provide the necessary foundation .

  27. 在制备以禽类血管活性肠肽(VIP)为基础的基因工程疫苗工作中,选择乙肝病毒核心抗原(HBcAg)作为载体来提高鹅VIP的免疫原性。

    In the approaches of constructing recombinant vaccines based on avian vasoactive intestinal peptide ( VIP ), human hepatitis B core antigen ( HBcAg ) cDNA was chosen as the carrier for the purpose of enhancing immunogenicity of goose VIP .

  28. 在5L发酵罐中目的蛋白表达量达到2·54mg/mL,为制备基因工程疫苗打下了坚实的基础。

    In a 5 liter fermentor , the expression level of the target protein was up to 2.54 mg / mL. These results will benefit for the development of genetically engineering vaccine .

  29. Western-blotting检测结果表明,纯化的蛋白可被自然感染东毕吸虫的山羊血清识别,这为进一步研究东毕吸虫基因工程疫苗奠定了基础。

    The purified protein was proved to be antigenic by Western-blotting analysis using goat serum infected naturally with Orientobilharzia turkestanicum . The results provided foundation for the development of an recombinant vaccine against Orientobilharzia turkestanicum .

  30. 结论表达EGFP-C3的重组鼠伤寒沙门氏菌的成功构建为减毒沙门氏菌作为活载体的基因工程疫苗研制提供一个优良模型。

    Conclusion The recombinant attenuated salmonella typhimurium expressing EGFP-C3 is constructed , which offers a fine model for the research of genetic engineering vaccine of the living carrier .