- 名intergenic region

The non coding regions ( NR ) located at 5'terminal and 3'terminal were 120 nt and 301 nt , respectively , and the intergenic region ( IR ) was 296 nt long .
Sequence Analysis of Disease - Specific Protein Gene and Intergenic Region of Rice Stripe Virus in Yunnan
Application of ribosomal RNA gene ITS and IGS regions in the molecular identification and classification fungi
Identification and phylogenetic analysis of closely related rhizobium species by rRNA gene intergenic spacer sequence
The results indicated that sequences of rRNA gene intergenic spacer would clarify the closely related species .
Use of 16S-23S rRNA Intergenic Spacer Region PCR Analyses of Escherichia Coli Isolate to Identify Fecal Sources
Isolation and Identification of Mycoplasma Gallisepticum and Difference Analysis of Sequence of MG 16S / 23S rRNA Intergenic Spacer Region and TM-1 Gene
Advances in the Study of Ribosomal DNA Internal Gene Region in Fungi
Sequence Analyses of rDNA Intergenic Spacer Region from Oscillatoriaceae ( Cyanobacteria ) and Its Taxonomic Significance
Through the compare of the Vector NTI 8 software for multi-sequences alignment , the target gene in Aspergillus rDNA transcribed spacers ITS I designed primers , specific amplification can produce a variety of Aspergillus strains specially .
Conclusion : The base sequences of the internal transcripted spacer of rRNA gene in different plant Chinese seeds can be applied to be identifying marker in molecular level .
Conclusion : The base sequence of the internal transcribed spacer regions of rRNA gene can be taken as another effective approach to the identification of Chinese herbal materia medica at molecular level .
Objective : To amplify and sequence the internal transcripted spacer of rRNA gene of the seeds of Angelica sinensis and Rheum palmatum for establishing a new method to identify the Chinese herb seeds in molecular level .
Special sequences have been found at the externally transcribed spacer ( ETS ) and at the non-transcribed spacer ( NTS ) of ribosome gene by analytical method of ribosome gene sequence .