
  1. 徐州市域城镇体系现状与发展研究

    Study on the Feature and Development of Urban System in Xuzhou

  2. 省域城镇体系构建及其对策研究&以甘肃省为例

    A Study on the Construction of Urban System in Gansu Province

  3. 温州市域城镇体系规划构想

    Some ideas on planning the urban system in wenzhou , Zhejiang Province

  4. 开封市域城镇体系的空间结构

    On the Space Structure of Urban System of Kaifeng City

  5. 非均衡发展战略在干旱区县域城镇体系规划编制中的实践&以内蒙古阿拉善左旗为例

    Unbalanced development strategy for urban system planning in arid area

  6. 市(县)域城镇的可持续发展和整体规划&热点、难点与制高点

    The sustainable development of the county regional towns and the integrated planning

  7. 桂林市域城镇体系地域空间结构研究

    Study on space structure of Guilin city and town system

  8. 西部开发与榆林市域城镇体系发展对策

    The Western exploitation and the progress countermeasure in urban system of Yulin

  9. 探索省域城镇体系规划实施的有效途径&以江苏省为例

    Probe into Effective Ways of the Implementation of Provincial Territory Urban System Plan

  10. 市域城镇生态环境矛盾分析与对策研究

    Analysis on the conflict in the town ecological environment and research of its solution

  11. 发达地区县(市)域城镇体系规划的变革研究

    Innovation of urban system planning in developed counties

  12. 宁波市域城镇体系中重点镇发展的若干问题研究

    Research on Several Issues about major towns in ningbo 's urban and town system

  13. 省域城镇体系发展阶段综合评价研究

    Researches on General Assessment for Development Stages of Field of Province of Urban System

  14. 针对石家庄市域城镇发展现状,利用主成分分析方法,构建了竞争力评价指标体系。

    Competitive power evaluation index system of towns in Shijiazhuang city is constructed by using principal component analysis method .

  15. 旨在为今天进行常德市城市总体规划和市域城镇体系规划提供必要的历史条件和依据。

    The ultimate aim of the paper is to offer the testimony of the general urban planning and city-town system planning .

  16. 区域开发与城镇发展管治研究&省域城镇体系规划中管治规划模式探讨

    Governance in regional and urban development : adiscussion on the mode of governance planning in urban system planning at province level

  17. 第五部分为唐山市域城镇空间结构,主要是对唐山的外部联系及市域城镇体系结构介绍。

    The fifth part is general situations of Tangshan urban spatial structure , mainly focus on the external liaison and urban spatial structure .

  18. 作者探讨了城市规划研究中的城市地域概念问题、居住分化问题、城市形态演化的阶段性问题和市域城镇体系规划问题。

    The paper deals with some important problems including urban area concept , residential structure , urban morphology evolving by stage , and urban system planning of municipal area .

  19. 这里是全域大庆展区,您看到的这面光纤式区域壁挂沙盘,展现大庆市域城镇空间布局。

    This is the exhibition area of the whole area of Daqing , this optical fiber regional hanging sand table displays the spatial distribution of urban areas in Daqing municipality .

  20. 由于政策与区位的因素,出现沿江轴线的发展。(6)南通市域城镇空间结构演化模式。

    As policy and regional factors , we can see the development of along the Yangtze River axis . ( 6 ) Mode of urban spatial structure evolution in Nantong City .

  21. 省域城镇体系规划从战略高度统筹全省各城镇的发展定位,是实现城镇和谐发展的关键环节。

    Provincial urban system planning overall plan every city or towns development on the strategy level , and it is the key step of the harmonious development of city and towns .

  22. 其次,分析了太仓市域城镇体系现状格局,指出当前太仓市城市化加速推进,城市化水平较高;

    Secondly , by analyzing the current pattern of the Taicang county system , this thesis point out that : The process of urbanization in Taicang county advances quickly at a high level ;

  23. 桂林市域城镇体系由于受地形以及交通干线的影响,具有沿地形和沿交通干线分布两大特征及由此特征而产生的经济发展差别。

    The paper states that Guilin city and town system has two characteristics : space distribution and geography distribution because of geography and main transportation lines . Geography and main transportation lines influence the district development .

  24. 文章分析了当前城镇体系因结构不合理对城镇化发展造成的负面影响,提出了调整重庆市域城镇体系结构、促进重庆城镇化发展的若干对策及建议。

    This paper analyses the negative influence on development of urbanization for the unreasonable structure of current urban system , and give some countermeasures for adjustment on urban system and acceleration of urbanization development in ChongQing .

  25. 在区域和城镇相结合的基础上,分析了烟台市域城镇群发展的有利条件和制约因素,并提出了城镇可持续发展的方向。

    Based on combining region with cities , the favorable conditions and restricting factors on city development of Yantai urban complex are analysed , and the direction of sustainable development of the urban complex is proposed .

  26. 第五章对近域城镇的产业整合、功能整合、资源整合进行了分析,指出各方面的整合有利于城镇发挥整体效应和实现优势互补;

    The fifth chapter analyzes industrial conformity , function conformity , recourses conformity of the neighboring cities in Hexi , and points out that these conformities are in favor of exerting integrated effect and making up advantages mutually .

  27. 石家庄市域城镇竞争力评价和城镇体系的优化从营销学视角观察,小城镇的竞争力来源于成功的内外部营销。

    Evaluations of the urban competitiveness and optimizing study of the urban systems in Shijiazhuang ; Learn the angle of view from the marketing , the competition ability of the small town come from successful inside and exterior marketing .

  28. 新一轮的省域城镇体系规划将充分发挥其法定规划、省级调控、协调平台和公共政策的重大作用,保障社会经济和生态环境的全面可持续发展。

    Therefore , the provincial urban system planning is a kind of statutory and coordination planning , which is controlled by the province level , and it should ensure the comprehensive sustainable development of the socio - economic and ecology .

  29. 省域城镇体系规划是落实国家宏观调控政策,统筹省区层面各项事业发展,指导下层次规划建设的综合性空间规划。

    Provincial urban system planning is a comprehensive spatial planning that carries out state control at the macro level , cooperates in departments ' development as a whole at the provincial level , guides the construction at the county level .

  30. 对浙江省编制城镇体系规划的背景进行了分析,介绍了浙江省省域城镇体系规划、城镇群规划、县(市)域城镇体系规划的基本内容、主要特点以及所发挥的作用。

    This article introduced the basic contents , major features and the functions of provincial territory urban system plan , urban cluster development plan and county / city territory urban system plan based on the analysis to the provincial background of urbanization .