
  1. 基于Petri网的城市突发事件应急联动救援系统性能分析

    Performance Analysis on Urban Emergency Response System Based on Petri Net

  2. 我国城市突发事件下银行业资金动员的供求研究

    Research on Monetary Mobilization of Banks in City Crisis in Our Country

  3. 城市突发事件预警机制:内涵及体系

    Early Warning Mechanism of the Urban Emergency : the Connotation and System

  4. 国内城市突发事件应急联动机制与平台建设研究

    Research on Construction of Emergency Response Mechanism and Platform for Domestic Urban Incidents

  5. 本文首先对城市突发事件下银行业资金动员进行一系列理论阐述。

    This text mobilizes a series of theories to explain to monetary mobilization of banks under the urban crisis at first .

  6. 本文以2008年北京奥运会作为研究实体,通过对现有文献的调研和回顾历史上历次重大赛事发生的突发事件,吸取借鉴国外大城市突发事件管理的经验教训。

    Regarding 2008 Beijing Olympic Games as objective , this paper has reviewed current literatures sudden events and sudden events in sports history and learned its experience and lessons .

  7. 然而,当前城市突发事件的威胁更为直接和频繁,为有效应对,资金动员理论必须更加完善。

    However , the threat of the present urban crisis is more direct and more frequent , in order to ensure its need , the theory of monetary mobilization must be promoted more perfect .

  8. 在此基础上,构建城市突发事件经济安全效用函数,通过支出最小化分析和案例分析探讨不同性质和规模城市突发事件下银行业资金动员需求。

    On this basis , I structure the economic security utility function of the urban accident , minimize through expenditure analysis probe into with case analysis different nature and scale bank 's fund mobilize the demand under the urban accident .

  9. GIS在城市突发公共事件应急指挥系统的应用研究

    The Applications of GIS Technique in Urban Public Emergency Command System

  10. 基于GIS的城市突发公共事件风险评估应急管理平台研究

    Research on Urban Public Emergency Risk Assessment and Emergency Management Platform Based on GIS

  11. 本文将着重讨论如何利用GIS技术对城市突发公共事件进行风险评估。本文首先分析了城市突发公共事件风险评估的国内外研究现状,阐述了本文的研究目标和研究意义。

    This article will focus on how to use GIS technology in urban public emergency risk assessment . First , this paper studies current research status on urban public emergency risk assessment at home and abroad , describes the research objectives and research significance .

  12. 第四部分,国外城市突发公共事件应急管理经验借鉴。

    The fourth part , foreign cities Public Emergency Management Experience .

  13. 城市突发公共事件大规模人员撤离方案研究

    Research on Scheme of Large-scale Evacuation in the City Public Emergencies

  14. 城市供水突发事件的应急预案城市供水安全应急保障体系研究

    Study on Emergency Response and Guarantee Systemof Water-supply Safety in City

  15. 城市突发公共事件应急管理能力评价研究

    Study on the Evaluation of Urban Public Emergency Management Capability

  16. 我国城市交通突发事件预警管理系统的构建与运行

    The Early-warning Management System of Sporadic Events of City 's Traffic in China

  17. 本文针对公益性拆迁问题,运用演化博弈理论研究地方政府和被拆迁户之间的博弈引发城市拆迁突发事件的应急管理问题。

    This paper studies emergency management about the game between local government and householders .

  18. 转型期北京城市突发公共事件的基本形态解析

    Analysis on the Basic Category of Beijing 's Public Emergency in the Process of Transformation

  19. 城市交通突发事件的频繁发生,增加了交通灾害,造成了社会秩序的混乱。

    The occurrence of sporadic events of city 's traffic disturbs the social economy and life .

  20. 城市突发公共事件风险评估模型分一般数学模型和风险评估常见模型两类。

    It includes two kinds of models named general model and common risk assessment mathematical model .

  21. 基于模糊集值统计理论的城市重大突发事件应急能力综合评价研究

    Comprehensive Assessment of Emergency Management Capacity to Urban Major Accidents Based on the Theory of Fuzzy Centralization Statistic

  22. 本次世界卫生日活动的重点是增强城市抵御突发事件和灾难的能力。

    A key focus of the World Health Day campaign is to make urban areas resilient to emergencies and disasters .

  23. 由于城市突发公共事件的风险和一般定义中的风险不同,在新时期城市突发公共事件的风险也具有新特点。

    The urban public emergency risks are different from the general definition of risks . It also has new features in new period .

  24. 目前在国内甚至国外发达国家,城市交通突发事件应急管理还缺乏真正全面、系统及深入地研究。

    Nowadays in China , even on abroad , the urban traffic emergency management has a lack of overall , systematic and further research .

  25. 建立城市交通突发事件预警管理系统是解决这一问题的有效途径。

    In order to handle the problem , it is an effective way to build the early-warning management system of sporadic events of city 's traffic .

  26. 这就要求我们要尽快构建一套安全、可靠、可行的城市突发公共事件总体应急预案。

    These require us must build one safe , not reliable , feasible city the public incident overall emergency preplan has happened suddenly as soon as possible .

  27. 地铁是一个复杂的大系统,在预防和控制城市地铁突发事件中,最重要的也是最关键的措施就是突发事件应急体系。

    Subway is a complex large-scale system . In the prevention and control of urban emergency incident , the most important and crucial measure is the Emergency System .

  28. 我国大中型城市的突发事件、重大灾难事故、日常交通事件等都急需一套有效地应急系统进行管理。

    Large and medium-sized cities in the incident , major disaster accident , daily traffic events are in urgent need of a set of effective emergency system management .

  29. 对城市突发公共事件的风险的内涵、风险的分类分级、风险评估和风险评价指标体系进行了研究。

    Second , do research on the definition of urban public , emergency risk , risk classification , risk level , risk assessment and risk evaluation indicators system .

  30. 社会经济的高速发展,城镇化进程的加快,促使各类城市突发公共事件频繁发生,造成巨大的人员伤亡与经济损失。

    With the rapid development of social economy and the acceleration of urbanization process , a range of urban public emergencies that cause huge casualties and economic losses occur frequently .