
  1. 就在我住的旅社对街,甚至有个叫禅坐店的地方,是个每天晚间六至七点开禅坐课程的小店面。

    Right across the road from my hotel there 's even something called The Meditation Shop & a small storefront with a sign advertising open meditation sessions every night from 6:00 to 7:00 .

  2. 卡梅伦坐在店外明媚的阳光下喝茶,随后重新进入TheSandwichBox与一名叫乔希•金的少年合影。

    He sat outside in the sunshine before heading back inside The Sandwich Box to pose for a photograph with teenager Josh King .

  3. 忽然,我看见了一只老猫坐在店外一张漂亮的椅子上。

    Suddenly , I saw an old cat out of the caf é sat on a beautiful chair .

  4. 利文斯顿坐在店内四把高级沙龙椅中的一把椅子上,一边选择饮品下单,一边等着理发。

    Along with his drink order , Mr. Livingston gets a trim while seated in one of four vintage salon chairs .

  5. 他们坐公交去文具店。

    They are going to the Stationer 's by bus .

  6. 我们(指的是我和妈妈)坐公交车去玩具店。

    We go to the toy shop by bus .

  7. 你看到坐在外面咖啡店的人了吗,仍然没有戴面具,还在吸着烟。”

    who you see sitting outside a coffee shop , still without a mask , having a cigarette . "

  8. 最近被杀男孩穆罕默德的叔叔,阴郁地坐在自家甜品店外,眼中满是忧伤。

    An uncle of Muhammad , the boy recently killed , sits glumly outside the family 's sweet shop , his eyes red with grief .

  9. 20世纪60年代的一项研究表明:坐在波多黎各咖啡店的夫妻们每分钟触碰彼此的频率为3次,而在伦敦咖啡店坐着的情侣们一小时都没触碰过彼此。

    In one study from the 1960s , couples in caf é s in Puerto Rico were seen to touch each other an average of three times per minute , while those in London averaged zero times an hour .