
That second year , the rabbits remembered me , and one would even sit up for slices !
Rainfall brings Leatherman 's work to a pause , so he sits down with us to describe how he brought his financial house back to order .
The widower sat casting sheep 's eyes at a half-caste girl all the evening .
Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak ; courage is also what it takes to sit down and listen .
When mum had told my Nan , and they 'd had a good cry together , we got in the car and went up to the hospital .
When Jim Caudill 's first wife sat him down and explained that she wanted a divorce , she had a long list of complaints : He didn 't help enough with the kids .
He paddled me across the river in his canoe .
He kept his seat , and shrank closer to the fire .
They paddled down the stream in a canoe .
Sit tall in your chair , and stretch your arms toward the ceiling .
He sat up and looked around .
As the woman pointed the whip , the tiger sit down obediently and bowed to the audience .
Set up a specific time and place to meet face to face , explaining that you need to talk .
During a quiet spell , I straighten up and turn to look behind me over the edge of the stadium .
Commanding yourself to float up , stand up , roll over , slide downwards towards the feet are a few .
And Samsung , the maker of those excellent TV screens in 2006 , sat there sticking its tongue out at everyone else .
' Don 't do that , Cyril , 'said the aunt . ' Come and look out of the window . 'The boy closed his mouth and sat next to the window . He looked out at the green fields and trees .
In a game called ' bottom to bottom , ' students jump up in the water , then let themselves fall bottom-first to the floor of the pool .
Ten minutes after I hang up with Morgan I 'm in the car and heading for the mall .
When she enters a new home , Kondo says , she sits down in the middle of the floor to greet the space .
A15 minute ride from the city center south-east along the green line to Kolomenskoye station brings you to another of Moscow 's hidden treasure troves .
The chest stretch : Sit forward , point your thumbs to the ceiling and stretch the chest , squeezing the shoulder blades together for 20 seconds
And upon a day appointed , Herod being arrayed in kingly apparel , sat in the judgment seat , and made an oration to them .
But there is also wisdom here , and the momentum of a thrilling yarn , delivered as if by a scarred man by the consoling light of a fire .
And every afternoon when the man in the bed by the window could sit up , he would pass the time by describing to his roommate all the things he could see outside the window .
The two of us sit on chairs and stare upward and around until closing time , watching the sun illuminate the stained glass panes deep red , blue , gold , and a near blinding white .
and Elizabeth , after all the misery of the morning , found herself , in a shorter space of time than she could have supposed , seated in the carriage , and on the road to Longbourn .
I was about seven or eight years old at the time . Father had died a few years earlier . Mother was sitting in the living room talking to me , telling me what a wonderful man Father was . She told me of his last illness and death .