
yí liú wèn tí
  • remaining problems
  1. 基于极小逻辑M的常识推理形式刻画D(M,B)存在事实优先和传递性推理两个遗留问题。

    There were two remaining problems in our previous paper that discussed the formal characterization D ( M , B ) of default reasoning based on a minimal system M for this type of reasoning : the precedence of facts over default conclusions and transitivity .

  2. 从项目全过程管理的角度,系统分析了高压变频技术在本厂SBS后处理膨胀干燥机调速用中的各种问题并提出解决方案,最后总结了新系统建成后的实际运行效果和遗留问题。

    This paper analysed various problems of the Applications of high voltage frequency converter on expand drier from all the process of project management , raised the solving scheme , summarized the actual effect and remaining problems .

  3. 这项遗留问题在未来的一段时间内仍将困扰这个国家。

    It 's a legacy which will hang around the country 's neck for some time to come .

  4. FCC承认为使运营商解决实施本地号码可携性的遗留问题,有必要进行推迟。

    The FCC accepts that a delay is needed , to enable operators to resolve outstanding LNP implementation issues .

  5. 他说:成立时间较短的基金如中投公司和科威特投资局(KuwaitInvestmentAuthority)在房地产领域的资产配置尤其不足,同时不存在业绩或历史遗留问题。

    He said : The younger funds [ such as CIC and the Kuwait Investment Authority ] especially are under-allocated to real estate and have no performance or legacy issues .

  6. FDA并没有要求惠氏进行任何新的临床研究,反而提出要与惠氏一路召开审查总结会,以解决上述遗留问题。

    The Agency did not request the initiation of any new studies and has suggested an end-of-review conference between Wyeth and the FDA to address the remaining issues .

  7. 还有一个遗留问题是JDK动态代理,由于他们对代理接口的限制因此很少需要集成。

    One of the remaining issues are JDK dynamic proxies which need a lot less integration due to their limitation to proxying interfaces .

  8. 文章制定了基于TCAP的NP系统在硬件、编程方面规划及方案,并对NP系统的各个子模块进行设计,对相关测试问题及遗留问题进行了总结。

    It formulates the plans and schemes concerning hardware and programming , based on the NP system of TCAP , projects the sub-modules of the NP system and summarizes the relevant testing and remaining problems .

  9. 嗯,我认为这是由于Sheldon和我志同道合且相互尊重因而保持联系的缘故,而你却因为一些童年遗留问题对我敬而远之。

    Leonard 's mom : Well , I would assume it 's because Sheldon and I stay in touch due to mutual interest and respect , while you avoid me , due to unresolved childhood issues .

  10. 在日本和美国签订安保条约50年后,今年7月,美国国会议员巴尼弗兰克(barneyfrank)将美国在日本冲绳的驻军描述成二战的一个遗留问题。

    Fifty years after Japan and the US signed their Treaty of mutual co-operation , Barney Frank , US congressman , in July described the stationing of US forces in Okinawa as a hangover from the Second World War .

  11. 周二,MSCI明晟集团表示,在几个与市场准入有关的重要遗留问题得到解决后,中国A股有望被纳入MSCI全球基准指数。

    China A-shares are " on track for inclusion " in MSCI global benchmarks after " a few important remaining issues related to market accessibility have been resolved ", the group said on Tuesday .

  12. 上个月,荷兰央行总裁魏霖克(noutwellink)警告说,房地产繁荣的遗留问题很可能使未来经济低迷状况更加恶化。

    Nout Wellink , President of the Dutch Central Bank , last month warned that a hangover from the property boom could well exacerbate the next downturn .

  13. 大规模的通货再膨胀将带来令人讨厌的债务遗留问题。

    The great reflation will come with a nasty debt hangover .

  14. 处理遗留问题为的是向前看

    III. solving old problems will help people look to the future

  15. 第三,妥善处理历史遗留问题。

    And , third , the historical issue should be appropriately handled .

  16. 阅读值班记录,处理上一班的遗留问题;

    Check the note on duty and deal with problem last time .

  17. 我们都承认这是历史遗留问题。

    We both recognise that this is history 's legacy .

  18. 日本侵华战争遗留问题刍议

    Discussion on questions left over by Japanese War of Aggression against China

  19. 第一部分,台湾问题的由来与现状。首先分析台湾问题的由来,指出台湾问题是中国内战遗留问题,是外国势力干涉的结果;

    Part one is origin and current situations of the Taiwan Problem .

  20. 广西中央直属水库移民遗留问题处理规划设计

    Planning design for Guangxi 's left reservoir resettlement issues directly under central government

  21. 然而,本届奥运会突显了一些有关在华经商的遗留问题。

    But the Games have highlighted residual problems about doing business in China .

  22. 这是个历史遗留问题,不是奥巴马造成的。

    Mr Obama inherited this problem ; it was not of his making .

  23. 社会不平等加剧,养老金经费不足、教学质量下降早是历史遗留问题。

    Rising inequality , unfunded pensions and bad schools are not new problems .

  24. 要做到这一点,他们必须克服苏伊士运河遗留问题。

    And to do that , they must overcome the legacy of Suez .

  25. 提出了改进后尚待解决的遗留问题。

    The remained problems to be solved were suggested .

  26. 生产资料由人力资源替代自然资源的主导地位;以及生产过程和生产遗留问题都发生显著变化。

    The shift from natural sources to manpower resources in terms of production material .

  27. 以往的遗留问题影响了被征地农民的情绪。

    Former remained problem have negative influence on the interests of farmers losing land .

  28. 总结了需要在后续的软件版本中解决的遗留问题。

    Summary unsolved problems , those problems need be solved in next software version .

  29. 水利工程移民遗留问题管理信息系统开发

    Resettlement Management Information System Shanxi Water Conservancy Project

  30. 四要抓紧解决国有企业历史遗留问题。

    Fourth , we need to work quickly to solve longstanding problems in SOEs .