
  • 网络Geophysical Year;IGY
  1. 在1957-1958年,参加国际地球物理年科学家们才开始揭开这块荒无人迹土地的神秘面纱。

    Scientists participating in the International Geophysical Year , 1957-58 , began to unlock the secrets of this desolate land .

  2. 自从1957年第一次地球物理年以来,这门科学获得很大的进展。

    Since the International Geophysical Year commencing from 1957 , great advancements have been attained in this branch of science , both theoretically and experimentally .

  3. 地质定年方法综述与地球物理定年

    The overview of dating methods and the geophysical dating

  4. 中国地球物理学会年会,509-518页。

    AGU Western Pacific Geophysical meeting .

  5. 中国地球物理学会1988年学术会议活动概况。

    General account of academic symposia sponsored by the Geophysical Society of China in1988 .

  6. 中国地球物理学会1992年主持召开了5次国内学术会议。

    The Geophysical Society of China organized 5 domestic meetings in 1992 . Altogether 845 papers were received during the 5 meetings .

  7. Sierra地球物理系统是1990年从国外引进的石油物探大型软件包。

    Sierra geophysical system is a powerful software package for oil geophysical prospecting .

  8. 《石油地球物理勘探》2006年第41卷总目次

    Oil geophysical prospecting Vol.41 no.1 ~ 6 2006 contents

  9. 金属矿地球物理勘探的三十年

    Geophysical exploration of metallic ore deposits in China for the last 30 years

  10. 美国地球物理联合会1981年春季年会概况

    An Outline of the 1981 Spring Meeting of the American Geophysical Union in Baltimore

  11. 已有的地质和地球物理方法无法对年、月、旬等现今时间尺度上的断层活动变化进行有效预测。

    The available geological and geophysical methods fail to estimate variations of fault activity in real time intervals , such as months , years or decades .

  12. 第六篇介绍了美国地球物理联合会1981年5月25~29日在巴尔的摩举行的春季年会的概况并对这次年会作了评述。

    The Sixth paper gives an outline of the 1981 Spring Meeting convened by the Amer - ican Geophysical Union from 25 & 29 May in Baltimore , and the auther 's personal opinions .

  13. 论文分析了四川地球物理勘探公司设备发展规划的制定依据,据此分析了地震勘探技术和方法的发展对各类装备的要求,在此基础上研究提出了四川地球物理勘探公司2005-2010年设备发展规划;

    Daqing Geophysical Exploration Company , CNPC according to this , this the paper analyses the demands for the development of earthquake exploration techniques and methods to each kind of equipment , propose 2005 - 2010 equipment development plan of SCGC on this basis ;