
  • Hellboy;Hellboy II
  1. 因为索尼公司认为《地狱男爵》并不能为他们带来收益,所以决定将电影的版权出售。

    Sony put the rights up for sale since they felt Hellboy wasn 't a profitable franchise for them .

  2. 这些异形,飞碟,雪人,地狱男爵的照片。

    Ln the pictures of aliens , ufo , the yeti , hellboy .

  3. 地狱男爵的宠物会是一个小恶魔,真是不足为奇。

    It 's no surprise that a pet of Hellboy would be a little devil .

  4. 地狱男爵和其同伴所走的区域其实并不是巨人的堤道。

    The area where Hellboy and company walk around is not actually the Giant 's Causeway .

  5. 尽管他的恶魔般的和令人害怕的外表看起来像是一个地道的恶棍,但地狱男爵实际上是一个与黑暗势力作斗争的超级英雄。

    In spite of his demonic and frightening appearance that would fit a true villain , Hellboy is actually a superhero fighting against the forces of darkness .