- 网络Ethical trade;Ethical Trading

China is a great exporting country , whose exports of labor-intensive products have been impacted greatly by ethical trade barriers in recent years .
Impact of Moral Trade Barriers on the Small and Medium-Sized Foreign Trade Enterprises and Countermeasure Research
Firstly , I have identified the legal provisions which provide the public morality trade measures provisions in China , and later I have proposed some countermeasures to China in case it invokes the public moral exception clause in the future .
The terms had become concerned about the " hot spots ", China and other developing countries also began to actively invoking the general exception clauses to protect themselves ; the DSB also committed to a balance of efforts between public morality and the right to trade .
By reducing the costs of transaction and relieving the adverse selection and moral hazard caused by information asymmetry , financial intermediary has played a catalytic role in the development of international trade .
Moral barrier is appearing gradually in international trade especially in the trade of poultry and animal products . Review on China-Germany Barter Trade During the Period of the War of Resistance Against Japan & On the Change of China-Germany