
  1. 他们七岁的儿子泰勒,奇迹般地逃过此劫。

    Miraculously , their seven-year-old son Taylor survived the horrific attack .

  2. 小崽很侥幸地逃过一劫。

    The calf had a lucky escape .

  3. 一架滑翔机坠入一对老夫妻房子的前院儿,失事地点距离房子仅几米,飞行员十分幸运地逃过此劫。

    A pilot had a lucky escape when his glider crashed into an elderly couple 's front garden , narrowly missing their home by a few metres .

  4. 他在火灾中幸运地逃过了一劫。

    He had the luck to escape death in the fire .

  5. 该帖子会概括地描绘出大灾劫是什麽情况,现在存在著哪些迹象,以及世界上的每个地区的遭遇。

    This post will outline what the " Great Catastrophe " is , the signs that exist now and how each region around the world will fare .