
  1. 捕人陷阱用来捕捉越过私地者或偷猎者的陷阱。

    A trap set to catch trespassers or poachers .

  2. 日本没有宗教行善的传统,因此施粥站或其他收容贫无立锥之地者的地方少之又少。

    With no religious tradition of charity , Japan has few soup kitchens or other places for the indigent .

  3. 苹果是早期殖民地开拓者来的时候带过来的。

    The apple was brought over here by the colonists when they came .

  4. 头几年里,殖民地开拓者觉得生活艰难。

    In the first few year , the colonizer find life difficult .

  5. 重要并发症包括:急性心包填塞9例、Ⅰ~Ⅱ度MR10例、原有Ⅰ~Ⅱ度MR程度不同地加重者9例、脑血栓栓塞1例、感染性休克1例。

    The other important complications included acute pericardial tamponade in 9 cases , brain arterial thromboembolism and infection shock in 1 case respectively .

  6. 除此之外,人们对是否存在神经毒素还在激烈地争论者。

    There is also significant debate as to whether zombie neurotoxins exist ;

  7. 对早期到美国来的殖民地开拓者来说生活是艰苦的。

    Life was hard for the early colonists in the United States .

  8. 太阳日复一日地照耀者。

    The sun has been shining brightly day after day .

  9. 乔治是主张让公司发午餐券的地起者。

    George was the prime mover in getting the firm to provide luncheon vouchers .

  10. 我必须记住在适当的时候适当地看者镜头。

    I had to remember to look at the right camera at the right time .

  11. 这场新剧深深地吸引者观众。

    The new play gripped the audience .

  12. 那先所谓的出生地论者无法接受奥巴马总统是真正的美国公民。

    The so-called birthers can 't accept that President Obama is really a natural-born American citizen .

  13. 美国内战以后,北方地鞭长莫及者试图控制南方。

    After the Civil War the carpetbaggers from the north tried to take over the south .

  14. 目前在亚洲,东盟不仅是经济领导者,还是展会目的地领先者。

    ASEAN is now the exhibition leader as well as the economic leader in the Asia region .

  15. 欧洲这个移民的主要来源在17世纪初就开始输送殖民地开拓者来到美洲。

    Europe , the major source of immigration , began sending colonists to America in the early 17th century .

  16. 工业领域三年以上培训管理经验,对工业体系有很好地了解者优先。

    Over three years experience in industrial training management area , know very well the running of the industrial system is a plus .

  17. 如果你是一个积极地拖沓者,你选择推迟任务因为你喜欢那种把事情在最后期限完成的那一刻的肾上腺素的冲击。

    If you 're an active procrastinator , you choose to put things off because you like the adrenaline rush that comes with getting things done right at the wire .

  18. 游客管理是旅游目的地管理者使用现代管理手段,通过游客体验与游客责任管理,实现游客满意与目的地满意的过程。

    Visitor management , as one of the basic parts of all kinds of tourist destinations , is a process to achieve visitor satisfaction and destination satisfaction by modern management approach .

  19. 或许,对于我这个经济学者最重要的是,在今天的国际社会中,西方国家不仅是建设者,同时也是最巧妙地掌权者。

    Perhaps , most important to me as an economist , the West was not only the builder but also the most skillful mover and shaker in today 's international institutions .

  20. 当气喘吁吁地电话者打电话在店附近叫出租车时。警方碰上了那辆出自车,并代替司机坐上出租车前往接人地点。

    When an out-of-breath caller asked for a cab near the store , police met up with the taxi , took over from the driver and headed to the pick-up location .

  21. 让欺负者最为愤怒的是不断地欺负者不断在你自己昨天说过的话,做过事情,以及根不能不能让你和那个人进行成熟的、成年人的谈话;

    What contributes most to anger is the bully 's constant denial of what they said or did yesterday , plus the fact you can never hold a mature adult conversation with the person ;

  22. 本文以黄山旅游者为实证分析对象,揭示了山岳旅游地旅游者旅游动机的基本特征,分析了中外不同类型旅游者旅游动机的差异。

    This paper , taking the tourists in Huangshan mountain for example , announces the characteristics of motivations of tourists in mountain resorts and analyses the differences of motivations between the different kinds of domestic and international tourists .

  23. 数据泄露前,大多数消费者对该公司印象良好,而且毫无保留地向后者透露自己的个人信息。然而,一旦事实证明是塔吉特松懈的政策造成了数据泄露,消费者对该公司的评价就一落千丈。

    Prior to the breach , consumers largely had a positive view of the company and trusted them implicitly with their private information , but once it became clear that Target 's lax policies were responsible for the breach , consumers " judgments became much harsher .

  24. 所有党派同仇敌忾地痛斥恐怖主义者。

    All parties joined in bitter denunciation of the terrorists .

  25. 他气愤地指责调查者诋毁他和他的家人。

    He angrily accused the investigators of slandering both him and his family .

  26. 钱原封未动地被捡拾者送还。

    The money was returned intact by its finder .

  27. 我不喜欢她那样傲慢地对待来访者。

    I didn 't like her lofty treatment of her visitors .

  28. 仅该市一地死于艾滋病者已达数百。

    AIDS has caused hundreds of deaths in this city alone .

  29. 为了更好地保护投标者,提出了一种推广的Power安全拍卖方案。

    An extended power auction scheme was proposed for protecting bidders .

  30. 心电图ST段时值的延长具有独立地反映老龄者衰老程度的生物标志的价值。

    The prolonged ST segment may be a independent biomark indicating advanced step of senescence .