
  • 网络global climate change
  1. 大气遥感理论的发展为研究地球气候变化与大气环境提供了重要理论支持与技术手段。

    The development of theory in atmospheric remote sensing provides important theoretical support and technical means to study global climate change and atmospheric environment .

  2. “温室气体的排放是影响地球气候变化的主要原因”之结论似乎已成定局。

    The conclusion " the emission of greenhouse gas is the most important factor that affect the global climate change " may seem to be a definite one .

  3. 造成地球气候变化的原因有哪些?

    What causes the earth 's climate to change ?

  4. 地球气候变化对一切都构成了威胁&从圣诞老人的北极圈供应线路到冬衣的销售。

    The earth 's climatic shift is threatening everything from Santa 's Arctic Circle supply lines to sales of winter clothing .

  5. 介绍了天然气水合物作为潜在能源的巨大优势以及它对地球气候变化&温室效应的潜在危险性。

    Natural gas hydrates may play an important role as potential source of energy and also may be harmful to global climate change , i.e. , enhancing the greenhouse effect .

  6. 地球气候变化已经带来了一种新的自然灾害,也给发展中的复杂的城市系统人为地带来了一种潜在的隐患。

    The earth scale change of climate has brought a new kind of natural disaster and the developed and complicated city system is holding a latent risk of expanding the damage artificially .

  7. 你们特别需要了解的是,这三种运动都是周期性的,他们共同导致了复杂但有规律的地球气候变化,并且使得冰川增长或衰退。

    What 's important for you to understand is that these three movements , well , they are cyclical , and they work together to form , to produce complex but regular variations in earth 's climate , and lead to the growth or decline of glaciers .

  8. 随着地球气候的变化和某些地区的降雨量变得更加难以预测,这些答案将变得更加有价值。

    As the earth 's climate changes and rainfall becomes even less predictable in some places , those answers will grow even more valuable .

  9. 比如,他想象了超级电脑控制了一切(《2001:太空奥德赛》中的电脑HAL),而核战争,小行星撞击地球以及气候变化终结了地球的生命。

    For example , he imagined supercomputers taking control ( HAL in2001 : A Space Odyssey ), and the termination of life on earth by nuclear warfare , asteroid impacts or climate change .

  10. 随着地球气候的变化,这些体系中曾经有规律的循环已经变得不可预测了。

    As the Earth 's climate has changed , once-regular oscillations in these systems have become unpredictable .

  11. 这些证明了地球气候的变化恰恰与米兰科维假说所描述的一样。

    and this showed that earth 's climate had changed pretty much the way Milankovitch 's hypothesis suggested it would .

  12. 环保专家指出人类活动引起了地球的气候变化,这在以前看来是我们不能控制的。

    Environmentalists have reported that human beings are causing changes in the Earth 's climate-something previously seen as beyond our control .

  13. 不错,如果你能找到一种庞大的能够自动调节温度的仪器来改变地球的气候变化就好了。

    Hey wonderful , let us know if you find that huge thermostat that turns the earth 's climate up and down .

  14. 这些研究对地球的气候变化研究同样也有所帮助,比如全球温室效应、洪水等灾难性气候以及臭氧层变薄等问题。

    Research also aids in the study of possible trends in the Earth 's climate , such as global warming , droughts and ozone depletion .

  15. 最近几十年科学家们已经达成了共识,据他们报道人类活动引起了地球气候的变化,这是在以前我们不能控制的。

    In the last few decades , scientists have reached consensus and reported that human beings are causing changes in the Earth 's climate & something previously seen as beyond seen as beyond our control .

  16. 目前地球受气候变化和全球变暖的影响越来越深,全世界人民亟需联合行动,承担起各自的责任,为构建我们更好的家园贡献力量。

    In present times , when the dangers of climate change and global warming loom as large as ever , there is a constant pressure upon the entire world to do their bit and contribute towards the betterment of our home planet .

  17. 权力配置是否为最优,可以用一个简单的标准来判别:政府任期内的连贯性,及其负担的公共利益&无论是城市的公园、国家的司法行政,还是地球的气候变化。

    The optimality can be gauged with a simple criterion : the consistency between the span of government and the common good entrusted to it , be this a public garden in the city , the administration of justice in the state , or climate change on the planet .

  18. 中国黄土:最近250万年地球气候与环境变化的记录者

    Loess in china : a good archive of climate and environmental changes during the Quaternary

  19. 中国黄土已经成为认识第四纪地球气候与环境变化的三个重要信息载体之一。

    Chinese loess is regarded as one of the best archives of climate and environment changes during the Quaternary .

  20. 但是这却将将注意力从地球气候的自然变化转移开了,比如说冰河世纪,对吧?

    But that takes the focus away from the natural variations in the earth climate , like the Ice Age , right ?

  21. 他说,对地球来说,气候变化的危机(假如称得上危机的话)就像在公园散步一样。

    For planet Earth , he says , the crisis of climate change , if crisis it be , will be a walk in the park .

  22. 宇宙线受太阳调制和其它因素影响,流强存在着变化,这种变化可能会引起地球气候的某些变化。

    The cosmic ray flux has some changes due to the solar modulation and other factors , and maybe induce some variability of the Earth 's climate .

  23. 而且非洲逐渐消失的冰雪也证明:如果地球一直发生气候变化和全球变暖,那么就无法保持自然宝藏。

    Finally , the disappearing snow in Africa serves as proof that the Earth , with its changing climate and warming trends , cannot always sustain its natural treasures .

  24. 节能减排,保护我们共同的地球,应对气候变化,建立适合各国的碳汇市场是各国的当下任务。

    Energy conversation and emission reduction , protecting the common planet and dealing with climate changes are the urgent tasks of the world , so does the establishment of Carbon Sequestration Market ( CSM ) .

  25. 地球气候系统的突然变化是近年来地学研究的热点。

    Abrupt changes in the Earth 's climate system have generated much interest recently .

  26. 地球气候系统对轨道变化既有冰盖响应,又有季风响应。

    The Earth climate system has both ice-sheet response and monsoon response to orbital changes .

  27. 太阳入射辐射总量的计算与地球轨道参数对气候变化辐射项的影响

    Calculating total amount of incoming solar radiation and the influence of the earth 's orbital parameters on the radiation term in climatic change

  28. 但是,太阳输出的热量纵有百分之几的少许改变,也会给地球的气候带来剧烈变化。

    However , a slight dwiqe of only a few percent in the sun 's heat would produce voilent changes in the climate of the earth .

  29. 然而,布朗首相在上周末表示,那些否认人类对全球变暖影响的人是“落伍的、反科学的、坚持地球平面说的气候变化怀疑论者”。

    However , Brown this weekend said people who denied man 's impact on global warming were " behind-the-times , anti-science , flat-earth climate sceptics " .

  30. 世界正面临势不可挡、人类造成的「天然」灾害&地球暖化和气候变化,但仍有太多政府未能处理这当前急务。

    The world is facing an overwhelming , human-caused " natural " disaster global warming and climate change yet too many governments fail to deal with the emergency .