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Mushroom debris enhanced base saturate rate , and made a better quality of winter turf .
No matter which sorts of nitrogenous fertilizer , the soil base saturation ( BS ) decreased with the increasing amount of nitrogenous fertilizer .
Mineralogical study of clay fraction and analysis of humus fraction and base saturation confirmed the precision of the soil classification of these soils in our soil survey .
Most of the soils studied are eutrophic with base saturation ( BS ) above 50 % , and two soil profiles have high aluminum saturation ( AS ) from 60 % to 90 % , with the BS lower than 30 % or even 20 % .
When the concentration of exogenous La 3 + was higher than 300 mg / kg , base saturation percentage ( BSP ) and effective cations exchange capacity ( ECEC ) decreased significantly , exchangeable acidity and exchangeable aluminum , however , increased significantly compared with the control .
The soil pH is also significant positive correlation with Base Saturation , which is mainly restricted by Exchangeable Base Ca ~ ( 2 + ) .
The results showed a decrease of pH and base saturation , and increase content of exchangeable acidity in both uncontaminated and contaminated red soil and yellow red soil within the pH decreasing of simulated acid rain , significantly .