
  1. 土地资金的良性循环是顺利实施城市土地收购储备制度的必要保障。

    Positive cycle of land capital is the guarantee of practicing urban land reserve and purchasing institution .

  2. 传统经营模式由于其劳动的个体性和土地资金投入的有限性,使得土地资源浪费现象严重。

    Traditional managing mode brings about serious waste of land resources owing to the individualization of labor and limited capital investment in land .

  3. 明确河南JY住宅集团有限公司在土地与资金资源的供求关系发生变化的条件下未来的发展战略。

    We identified clearly the future development strategy of Henan JY Group Ltd. Residential under the condition at the relationship between supply and demand changes of land and financial resources .

  4. 目前土地复垦资金保障制度需要调节约束与激励双重机制。

    Currently , the funds supervision system needs a restrictive and incentive dual mechanism .

  5. 注入注册资本,保持合理的土地储备资金资本结构。

    Add registered capital to maintain a reasonable capital structure of land reserve funds .

  6. 基于在险值分析的土地储备资金回收风险预测&以杭州市为例

    Land Reservation Funds Retrieval Risk Prediction Based on VaR Method : A Case Study of Hangzhou

  7. 对开发商而言,这种结构是一种相对廉价的方式,为其购买土地筹集资金。

    For developers , the structure was seen as a relatively cheap way to fund land purchases .

  8. 但随着实施过程的深入,目前也遇到了一些制约因素,其中最主要的就是土地储备资金问题。

    But with the implementation development , there are some restriction factors mainly including land reserving fund .

  9. 最后,土地复垦资金监管与土地复垦工程验收工作协调进行。

    Thirdly , the funds supervision and project acceptance work of land reclamation will be completed in phase .

  10. 城市边缘区在快速城市化条件下面临土地、资金和劳动力重构的挑战。

    Challenged by rapid urbanization , urban fringe has to face the restructuring of land , capital and labor .

  11. 企业加速器发展需要政府在政策、土地、资金方面予以倾斜。

    The development of Business Accelerator needs the government skewed to them on policies , office space and capital .

  12. 本文主要包括五个部分:?第一部分,土地开发资金信托的典型案例。

    This article consists of five parts : The first part of the land development fund trust a typical case .

  13. 通过对上述三个问题的研究,笔者给出了对土地开发资金信托模式的最终认识。

    Through the above three issues , the author shows the pattern of land development and the ultimate understanding of trust funds .

  14. 土地、资金与机制&制约21世纪中国城市林业发展的三大瓶颈

    Land , Fund and Mechanism & Three Bottlenecks of the Development of Chinese Urban Forestry in 21 ~ ( st ) Century

  15. 拥有土地、资金的房地产公司,甚至无需专业的技术和精细的管理就可以实现高速增长的目标。

    Owing land and capital , a real estate company can achieve the goals of rapid growth even without professional skills and meticulous management .

  16. 此外,在城市发展要注重节约土地、资金、水等资源,注重环境保护。

    What is more , we should pay attention to the use efficiency of earth , money , water , and the protection of environment .

  17. 为此,在广泛研究国内外文献资料的基础上,提出了土地、资金和劳动力转移制度创新的建议和对策。

    Focusing on the3 key factors , the paper put forward institutional innovation and relevant countermeasures in order to promote further research in the field .

  18. 合理预测土地储备资金需求,根据预测结果制定融资方案,控制土地储备贷款规模。

    Forecast requirements of land reserve funds reasonably ; and according to the forecasting results , to write financing proposals and to control the scale of land reserve loans .

  19. 第七章在第六章提出问题的基础上着重于解决问题,并在解决问题的基础上提出了完善土地储备资金运作体系的基本设想。

    Chapter 7 focuses on problem solution on the basis of chapter 6 , put forward the basic idea of improving the fund operating operating system of land reserve .

  20. 以合作开发房地产项目的方式,能够有效地调配土地、资金和技术等资源,从而促使房地产项目顺利地得到开发建设。

    To develop real estate projects in the way of effective deployment of land , capital and technology resources to facilitate the successful completion of real estate development and construction projects .

  21. 利用干道与干道间未被充分利用的道路资源来分流干道网络上的交通,既疏解了交通拥堵压力,又节约了土地与资金。

    The road resources between arterials that are left unused are explored to shunt the traffic of arterial network , not only alleviating traffic pressure but also saving land and investment .

  22. 土地储备资金的财务活动主要有土地储备资金的筹集、土地储备成本的管理、土地出让收入的分配。

    Financial activities of the land reserve funds included the raising of the land reserve funds , the management of the land reserve cost , and the distribution of the land revenue .

  23. 在目前知识经济社会发展环境下,历史上的竞争优势(如土地、资金等)已不可能再为企业创造稀缺的、不可模仿的价值。

    Conditions of the knowledge-based economy , the traditional source of competitive advantage ( such as capital , land , etc. ) can no longer scarce , inimitable way to create value .

  24. 具体到我国,随着经济体制改革的深化,如何促进我国房地产业和金融业的有机结合,使土地和资金得到优化配置和有效利用已显得越来越迫切了。

    In China , with the deepening of economy system renovation , it is very imperative to accelerate the combination of housing and financing industry which will make full use of land and capital .

  25. 各级政府要切实负起责任,严格执行年度建设计划,确保土地、资金和优惠政策落实到位。

    Governments at all levels must genuinely take responsibility to ensure that the annual construction plan is strictly carried out and that policies concerning land , funding , and preferential treatment are implemented well .

  26. 从理论分析入手,结合实践深入研究了土地收购资金的筹集,分析了土地收购资金的循环,构建了多元化、多渠道的筹资体系。

    By combining theory with practice , this thesis thoroughly studies capital collection , it analyzes the circle of capital of land reserve , at the same time , it also proposes various means of capital collection .

  27. 由于土地储备资金目前主要来自于土地储备贷款,主要用于开展土地储备工作的土地储备成本支出。

    Because the land reserve funds are mainly collected from land reserve loans and used to conduct the land reserve at present , the land reserve institution is the entity of issuing the loan and returning the loan .

  28. 土地开发资金信托已经成为我国各级地方政府融资建设的有效途径,同时也是广大委托人(兼受益人)进行投资理财的一种重要手段。

    Trust fund land development patterns have become the building at all levels of local government finance an effective way , but also the majority of clients ( and beneficiaries ) were an important means of finance and investment .

  29. 接着本文分析了近年来欠发达地区农户在农业生产中的土地、资金和劳动力等生产要素的投入状况和农业比较收益情况,验证了农户农业投资需求下降这个观点。

    In this paper , the view of rural household investment demand to agriculture that has declined is testified by analyzing investment of factors including land , capital and labor and agricultural comparative advantage in our country in recent years .

  30. 停车场大规模建设受到土地和资金等因素的限制,因此,对停车场资源的合理利用、规划、智能停车诱导,并实现城市停车事业的市场化、产业化是解决停车问题的主要途径。

    When the Large-scale construction of parking lot is restricted by factors such as land and capital , the rational use and planning of parking resources , and intelligent parking guidance are the fundamental method to solve the growing congestion of parking .