
The regional foliation and Songyuan anticline were formed by deformation D2 . The foliation of rocks does not represent the original stratification and belongs to axial foliation .
The quality of dip log interpretation can directly influence the geological structure , sediment bedding , stratum sequence rhythm and ancient sedimentary environment that the dip log indicates .
The section organization of fan body is similar to the reverse cycle depositional order of Walker 's ( 1979 ) submarine fan , bedding types are analogous to Winn and Dott 's ( 1979 ) types of submarine fan .
The middle-level of tidal flat is presented as a zone of reworking , which is dominated by silt flats , or tidal channel systems , silt sediments and ripple bedding respectively .
The types of cross beddings in sedimentary rocks and its environmental significance
Sedimentary structures are mainly massive bedding , large trough cross bedding and oblique bedding with few parallel bedding , wave bedding and horizotal bedding ;
The sedimentary structures in Terminal fan are different from other types . Parallel bedding which is the most special trademark often occurs on the channel erosion surface and mud-stripe are abundant in sandstone .