
  • 网络lordling;nobilitas m-inor;Nobel;hidalgo;mesne
  1. 自从上月末欧洲汽车商发出威胁以来,双环坚持声称小贵族和CEO没有仿制德国产车型。

    At the time of the initial legal threats late last month , Shuanghuan insisted its CEO and Noble models were not similar to the German models .

  2. 其一直以来的存在基础是将控制权交予领导人,以换取对小贵族的钳制。

    It has always depended on giving the leader control in exchange for reining in the petty nobility .

  3. ⑤已成为国王土地承租人的贵族又把土地分配给小贵族、骑士和自由民,同样换取货物和服役。

    The barons , who had become William 's tenants-in-chief , parceled out land to the lesser nobles , knights and freemen , also in return for goods and services .

  4. 被王公们剥夺了太多权利的骑士和小贵族们也期待着一场争斗,以便浑水摸鱼。

    The knights or lower nobles , too , who had been deprived of many of their privileges by the princes , were ready for any scheme of violence in the hope that it might conduce to their advantage ;

  5. 俄罗斯的保守主义可追溯至君主制时代,用一句简单的话来概括就是:“好沙皇,坏精英。”其一直以来的存在基础是将控制权交予领导人,以换取对小贵族的钳制。

    Russian conservatism can be traced to the time of the monarchy and is known by a simple formula : " Good tsar , bad elites . " It has always depended on giving the leader control in exchange for reining in the petty nobility .

  6. 乌拉圭代表了一个更令人感到好奇的例子,国家队的球员是伪装成小人物的足球贵族。

    Uruguay represents a more curious case , in that its players are footballing aristocracy disguised as minnows .