
tú dīng
  • thumbtack;drawing pin
图钉 [tú dīng]
  • [thumbtack;drawing pin] 见按钉

图钉[tú dīng]
  1. 她坐在图钉上。

    She sat down on the business end of a drawing pin .

  2. 她用图钉把广告钉在门上。

    She used drawing pin to pin the poster to the door .

  3. 他用图钉将这张便条钉在她的门上。

    He had tacked this note to her door

  4. 她最近从剧院拿回一幅油画,用图钉把它钉在了墙上。

    She had recently taken a canvas from the theater and tacked it up on the wall .

  5. 他花了一个下午的时间用图钉固定那些图片。

    He spent the afternoon tacking the pictures .

  6. 所以也有向下的力,图钉上的力mg向上。

    Mg So also here we have now mg down , so we have at the pin mg up .

  7. 这就是我们在GoogleMaps上用于查看的“红图钉”。

    This is the familiar " red push pin " you are used to seeing on Google Maps .

  8. 然后,重复这个过程,使用另一个PHP和Ajax脚本装载图钉标志。

    The process is then repeated , using a different PHP and AJAX script to load the pushpins .

  9. 现在我们就需要AA电池、图钉、纸巾、防晒喷雾还有信封。

    Right now , for example , we need AA batteries , thumbtacks , Kleenex , spray sunscreen , and envelopes .

  10. 9月,Pinterest推出了“赞助商图钉”(promotedpins)活动的实验性版本(不产生营收)。

    In September , pinterest also launched an experimental ( i.e. non-revenue generating ) version of its " promoted pins " campaign .

  11. 在本图中,黄色图钉表示Placemark对象。

    In this picture the yellow push pins represent your Placemarks .

  12. 采用先进的LPE及反应离子刻蚀等微细加工技术制作了盘型-图钉式微腔结构,测得其有源区的光荧光谱的半宽度为0.032eV,波长为815.33nm。

    The measured half width of photoluminescence spectrum in the active area is 0.032 eV with the wavelength of 815.33 nm .

  13. 用户可以与mashup站点进行交互,例如告诉它在图形界面上显示一个包含图钉的地图,图钉展示南加州最近所有入室抢劫案件的详细信息。

    Users can interact with the mashup site , such as instructing it to graphically display a map containing pushpins that reveal the details of all recent burglary crimes in South Chicago .

  14. 我告诉他,在十几岁时,我就把一幅中土世界的地图钉到墙上,用图钉标出弗罗多(Frodo)的远征路线。

    I tell him that in my teens I had a map of Middle Earth pinned to the wall , with the route of Frodo 's journey picked out with drawing pins .

  15. 结论子载波上发送相位编码序列为广义类chirp序列(P4码)、广义多相巴克码的正交频分复用多载波信号具有图钉形的模糊函数,峰均比PAPR<2是多载波探测的优选波形。

    Conclusion The OFDM signals with a generalized chirp-like sequence ( P4 ), a generalized poly-phase barker sequence and a poly-phase Golomb sequence exhibit thumbtack ambiguity function , their peak-to-average power ratios can be maintained below 2 , which are the optimal signals for OFDM multi-carrier TDD .

  16. 磁铁,吸起,螺丝刀,图钉,回形针

    Magnet , pick up , screwdriver , thumbtack , paper clip

  17. 他用图钉把图片钉到墙上。

    He affixed the picture to the wall with a thumbtack .

  18. 我有用大拇指将图钉钉在板上。

    I pressed the thumbtacks into the board with my thumb .

  19. 我用大拇指将图钉按在木板上。

    I press the thumbtack into the board with thumb .

  20. 一副毕加索的画用图钉钉在墙上。

    Thumbtacks anchor a colorful Picasso print to the wall .

  21. 你就像一颗没用的图钉。

    That a stud like you would not be chosen .

  22. 那是蒂姆一堆锡制的图钉。

    That is Tim 's stack of tin thumbtacks .

  23. 黄色铅笔立得高,蓝色图钉有妙用。

    A bright yellow pencil , a blue thumbtack ;

  24. 他用图钉将通知挂起来。

    He pinned up the notice with a thumbtack .

  25. 今天一个图钉多少钱?

    What 's the price of a push-pin today ?

  26. 他自己做出了第一批图钉。

    He made his first push-pins by himself .

  27. 他用图钉将画钉在墙上。

    He thumbtacked the picture to the wall .

  28. 在图钉工厂中走动时务必穿鞋。

    Wear shoes in a thumbtack factory .

  29. 选择所需的镖或图钉类型。

    Select dart or pushpin type required .

  30. 撒些图钉在你的卧室地板上。

    Sprinkle thumbtacks on your bedroom floor .