
  • 网络project financing;International Project Financing;Project Finance International
  1. 本文正是以法律视角对ABS国际项目融资进行研究。

    This present paper researches ABS international project financing right from legal angle of view .

  2. 以上两部分对ABS国际项目融资的基本法律问题和核心法律问题的研究构成本文的重点。

    The focus of the present paper is the above mentioned two parts : the fundamental legal issues and core legal issues on ABS international project financing .

  3. ABS国际项目融资是以资产证券化模式运作的国际项目融资,通过发行ABS项目债券在国际资本市场上融资。

    ABS International Project Financing makes use of the mode of asset securitization in international project financing , issuing ABS project bonds in the international capital market .

  4. 在此基础上引出ABS国际项目融资,分析其含义、在法律规制下的运作过程及其所形成的法律关系。

    Based on above discussion , ABS international project financing is introduced , and its signification , legal relationship and fundamental legal issues during operational course are analyzed .

  5. 最后,采用实证分析法,探讨中国开展ABS国际项目融资所面临的法律障碍,并将上文分析及比较研究的结果应用于中国现行法律制度,提出相应的立法完善建议。

    Last , a case study on legal obstacle confronted with China 's operation of ABS international project financing is discussed , and the analyzing and comparative study results are applied into the current China 's legal system , with suggestions on the corresponding legislative improvement .

  6. 试论国际项目融资的风险及其法律防范

    Discussions about the risk of international project financing and legal precaution

  7. 国际项目融资中的浮动抵押法律问题研究

    The Research on Legal Problem of Floating Charge in International Project Financing

  8. 国际项目融资中浮动抵押的运行模式研究

    Research on the Operation Model Floating and Guarantee of Financing International Projects

  9. 国际项目融资是其主要融资方式。

    International project financing is the main mode of financing for these projects .

  10. 贷款仍然是国际项目融资的主要资金来源。

    Loan is still the main source of capital .

  11. 国际项目融资中的环境影响评价制度

    Environment Impact Assessment System in International Project Finance

  12. 第八章主要研究国际项目融资有关的税法问题。

    Chapter 6 is about the study on the contract law system in IPF .

  13. 资产证券化是国际项目融资创新方式之一,具有独特的优势。

    The property securitization is one of international project financing innovation ways , has the unique superiority .

  14. 国际项目融资中跨国银行业已形成一套比较完善的风险法律控制体系。

    A fairly perfect legal system of risk control has been formed for international project financing in transnational banking .

  15. 国际项目融资中存在着诸多风险,其中商业风险是主要风险。

    There are many risks in International Project Financing . Among these risks , business risk is the main risk .

  16. 虽然赤道原则2003年才产生,但是已经成为国际项目融资领域不可或缺的行业惯例。

    After the inception in2003 , the Equator Principles has become the minimum international standard in international project financing field .

  17. 浮动担保的性质和特征使其在国际项目融资中大行其道,在国际融资业务中被广泛应用。

    The quality and character of the floating charge make it very useful and has been used broadly in international project financing .

  18. 在第一章的最后一部分浮动担保浮出水面,在本章中系统介绍了国际项目融资中的浮动担保问题。

    In this chapter the author introduces floating charge of international project financing which appeared firstly in the last part of chapter one .

  19. 除导言和结语外,共分为四章:第一章:国际项目融资的概念和特征。

    This dissertation includes four chapters with approximately 39000 Chinese characters : Chapter One : The Concept and Features of International Project Finance .

  20. 国际项目融资是西方发达国家在基础设施领域和大型工业设施建设中成熟运用的一种创新融资方式。

    International project financing is a kind of creative finance way that is widely used in infrastructures and industry facilities constructions in western countries .

  21. 并且通过对国际项目融资担保制度特点的分析,结合浮动抵押的优点和缺点指出浮动抵押应用于国际项目融资中的必要性。

    And through the international project finance analysis of the characteristics of a security system , combined with a floating charge of international project financing applies to the necessity .

  22. 因此,如何充分地运用各种担保方式来有效地降低进而防范项目融资中的风险便成为国际项目融资中的项目贷款人重点考虑的问题之一。

    Therefore , how to use various means of guarantee to effectively prevent the risk of project financing has become one of the key issues which the project lender considers .

  23. 再次,讨论了社会责任投资原则对环境保护责任的影响,讨论了赤道原则在国际项目融资中的作用以及法律问题。

    Thirdly , it discussed the impact of socially responsible on environment protection . Then , it also discussed the effect of the Equator principles on international project financing and legal issues .

  24. 本章首先介绍了国际项目融资的概念,然后通过国际项目融资与传统的国际融资方式加以比较,对国际项目融资的主要特征加以归纳阐述。

    In this chapter the author introduces the concept of international project financing , then analyzes the main features of international project financing by comparing international project financing with the traditional financing methods .

  25. 最后对直接关系到国际项目融资成败的国际项目融资中的担保制度进行研究,指出担保制度在国际项目融资中作为主要连结点的重要作用。

    Finally , the author analyzes the guarantee system which directly relates to the success of international project financing , and points out that the guarantee system is an important connecting point in project financing .

  26. 由于各国的法律有很多不同之处,要形成比较统一的国际项目融资中浮动抵押的运行模式,就要对相关理论进行分析,为运行模式奠定理论基础。

    Because there are a lot differences in many countries ' legal , it is necessary to analyze the relevant theory to format a unified international project financing in the operation of the floating charge mode , in order to lay the theoretical foundation of operating mode .

  27. 本章通过分析浮动抵押制度在国际项目融资中所具有的不同于普通浮动抵押的特点,阐述了如何制定统一的浮动抵押模式,是论文最重要的部分,并且也是文章的主要创新之处所在。

    This chapter analyzes the differences between floating charge systems in the international project financing with the general . And it indicates how to formulate a unified model of the floating charge . The chapter is the most important part of thesis , and innovation is also in it .

  28. 所以,我们必须改革以往的以政府为主导的融资模式,采用新的融资模式。在国际上流行的项目融资中的BOT模式是一种可行的方式。

    Therefore , we must change old finance mode mainly by government , Adopting newly finance pattern .

  29. 近年来国际上大型项目的融资方式以其独特的融资机制和在分散风险方面的特殊作用为体育场馆建设资金的投融资模式提供了借鉴思路。

    In recent years , large items financing afford examples to stadium building financing in their particular mechanism and risk disperse role .

  30. 项目融资作为一种为大型工程建设项目筹集资金的有效方式,已经被国际上各大项目融资者广泛运用。

    Project finance , as an effective way of financing for a large construction project , has been widely used by the fund raisers of large international project .