
  • 网络international trade finance;International Trade Financing;Finance of International Trade
  1. 人民币汇率与商业银行国际贸易融资关系研究

    Study on Relationship between RMB Exchange Rate and International Trade Finance

  2. 国际贸易融资创新在我国的应用研究

    The Application Research of International Trade Finance Innovation in China

  3. 其次在对比国内外贸易融资研究成果的基础上,分析X商业银行国际贸易融资现状及存在问题。

    Secondly , in contrast to domestic and international trade finance research based on analysis of the commercial bank financing of international trade situation and problems .

  4. 第五章,采用实证分析的方法,引入X银行出口信用保险项下的国际贸易融资实例,来具体说明X银行在具体操作上如何防范风险。

    Chapter V , using empirical analysis methods , cite an X Bank export credit insurance , international trade financing instance , to specify the specific operation on X bank to guard against risks .

  5. 本文通过对F银行国际贸易融资业务风险进行分析,希望对如何加强银行国际贸易融资业务风险防范具有一定的指导意义。

    By the analysis of international trade and financing risk of F bank , hopefully this thesis can provide some useful guidance for how to enhance the control of risk for international trade and financing of banks .

  6. 我国自改革开放以来,对外贸易迅速发展,尤其是加入WTO以后,对外贸易为国民经济增长做出贡献的同时,也为国际贸易融资业务开辟了广阔的市场。

    Since reform and opening up , China has witnessed rapid development in the international trade sector , especially after joining the WTO , which not only contributes to the national economy but also provides vast market for international trade financing .

  7. 其次,分别从经济、金融体系以及宏观经济等角度,对F银行国际贸易融资风险管理的现状加以分析,着重分析了国际贸易融资在管理中存在的风险和授信体系中存在的缺陷。

    Secondly , it analyzes the current status of trade and financing risk management of F bank from the perspective of economical and financing system and macroeconomics . The article focuses on the risk management of international trade financing and the defect of credit system .

  8. 在专题部分中,我们观察IFC的国际贸易融资项目是如何保持贸易融资适合发展中国家在市场发生剧烈变化的时期里面。

    In a special section , we look at how the IFC 's Global Trade Finance Program is keeping trade finance flowing to developing countries at a time of drastic changes in market conditions .

  9. 首先分析A银行国际贸易融资的现状及存在的问题。

    It firstly analyzes on A Bank international trade financing situation .

  10. 商业银行国际贸易融资汇率风险防范研究

    Commercial bank international trade financing exchange rate risk prevention research

  11. 中国中小企业国际贸易融资问题研究

    Research on the SMEs ' International Trade Financing in China

  12. 利用国际贸易融资,可以消除企业的后顾之忧。

    Taking the advantage of international trade finance can eliminate the dilemma above .

  13. 发展国际贸易融资的问题和对策

    The Problem and Countermeasure of International Trade Financing Development

  14. 具体阐述了国际贸易融资业务的种类。

    Then the kinds of practices of international trade financing are expounded specifically .

  15. 国际贸易融资方式及其风险防范

    International Trade Financing Means and the Risk Prevention

  16. 加快发展我国商业银行国际贸易融资业务的策略研究

    Strategy Studying for Developing International Trade Finance Business of Commercial Bank in Our Country

  17. 其次,对外向型中小企业和国际贸易融资作了介绍和论述。

    Secondly , introduces and discusses the status of export-oriented SMEs and financing trade .

  18. 国有商业银行国际贸易融资风险的分析与对策

    The Analysis and Countermeasure of State-owned Commercial Bank ′ s International Financing Trade Risk

  19. 本论文首先简单分析了贸易融资业务在全球经济一体化中的重要作用,随后介绍了国际贸易融资的概况。

    This article first describes the importance of international trade finance on world economic globalization .

  20. 国际贸易融资业务目前已成为许多国际性银行的主要业务之一。

    A Research on the Bank-Enterprise Relation in the International Trade Finance Business of Bank K ;

  21. 第一章,国际贸易融资概述。

    The thesis consists of 4 chapters : Chapter 1 , Introduction of international trade finance .

  22. 论国际贸易融资中的授信管理

    Risk Management in International Trade Financing

  23. 建设银行西安高新开发区支行国际贸易融资对策研究

    Countermeasures Studying on International Trade Finance of Construction Bank , Xi'an High Technology Industries Development Zone Branch

  24. 与此同时,国际贸易融资可能一蹶不振,且持续的时间无从得知。

    In the meantime , the financing of international trade could collapse for an unknown period of time .

  25. 为国际贸易融资的商业银行所承担的风险要么来自外国,要么来自出口商。

    Commercial banks that ~ international trade take a risk either in the foreign country or in the exporter .

  26. 特别是在国际贸易融资方面,作为外资银行的强势业务,国内商业银行与之的差距日益显现。

    Chinese commercial banks develop laggardly in international trade financing , which is the preponderant business of foreigin banks .

  27. 在融资环境和体制安排上,中国国际贸易融资缺乏完善的法律环境、融资体系不健全。

    As for trade financing environment and system , a consummate legal setting and trade financing system are absent .

  28. 本文从国际贸易融资角度出发来研究解决中小企业融资难的对策。

    The author of this article tries to solve the financing difficulty from the perspective of international trade financing .

  29. 最后,要更新观念,积极创新,丰富国际贸易融资产品。

    Finally , we need to update our ideas , innovate actively , and rich international trade finance products .

  30. 选题背景国际贸易融资是银行对进、出口商提供的以贸易结算方式为依托的一种银行贷款。

    International trade finance is a kind of loan relying on trade settlement , provided by banks to importers and exporters .