
ɡuó jì jīn rónɡ ɡōnɡ sī
  • International Finance Corporation;international financial corporation
  1. 让我们看看世界银行(WorldBank)和国际金融公司(InternationalFinanceCorporation)发布的年度《全球营商环境报告》(DoingBusiness)显示出的证据吧。

    Consider the evidence from the annual ' Doing Business ' reports from the World Bank and International Finance Corporation .

  2. 这只基金从企业家、家族理财室和机构投资者那里筹资1.10亿美元,这些机构投资者包括欧洲复兴开发银行(EuropeanBankforReconstructionandDevelopment)和国际金融公司(InternationalFinanceCorporation)。

    It raised $ 110m from entrepreneurs , family offices and institutional investors including the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development and the International Finance Corporation .

  3. 中国国际金融公司(ChinaInternationalCapitalCorp.)驻上海分析师金羽(音)表示,此次IPO将促进比亚迪的长远发展。

    Jin Yu , an analyst in Shanghai with China International Capital Corp. , says the IPO could boost BYD 's long-term development .

  4. 世界银行(worldbank)的私人部门国际金融公司(ifc)也准备在香港发行人民币计价债券。

    International Finance Corporation , the private arm of the world bank , is also preparing to issue renminbi-denominated bonds in Hong Kong .

  5. 我当时是开发机构国际金融公司(InternationalFinanceCorporation)驻尼加拉瓜工作人员,刚刚结婚,正准备前往卢旺达从事一份新的工作。

    I was working in Nicaragua for the International Finance Corporation , the development institution , was newly married , and preparing to leave for a post in Rwanda .

  6. 亚洲开发银行(asiandevelopmentbank)和国际金融公司(internationalfinancecorporation)计划在香港发行人民币计价债券,此举可能大幅提振中国正在开发的离岸人民币债券市场。

    Plans by the Asian Development Bank and International Finance Corporation to issue renminbi-denominated bonds in Hong Kong could provide a big boost to the fledgling market in offshore renminbi debt being developed by China .

  7. 向国际金融公司(IFC)申请融资。

    To apply for financing to TFC .

  8. 理事会将审议的第二个提议来自国际金融公司(IFC),即世界银行集团推动私营部门发展的成员机构。

    A second proposal under consideration comes from IFC , the World Bank Group member that promotes private sector development .

  9. 自2005年以来,世界银行(通过其资本投资部门国际金融公司ifc)、亚洲开发银行(asiandevelopmentbank)、以及一两家国际银行已经、或即将在中国发行少量人民币债券。

    Since 2005 the World Bank ( through the International Financial Corp , its investment arm ) , the Asian Development Bank and a couple of international banks have sold or will soon sell a smattering of bonds in China .

  10. “缺乏融资正产生巨大影响,”国际金融公司全球金融市场部高级经理GermanVegarra说。

    " The lack of finance is having a huge impact ," says German Vegarra , senior manager of IFC Global Financial Markets .

  11. 它是由多边发展银行(MDB)共同资助的,其中包括世界银行、非洲发展银行和国际金融公司。

    It comes with co-financing from the Multilateral Development Banks ( MDBs ) that include World Bank , the African Development Bank and the IFC .

  12. 2000年,国际金融公司(IFC)和多边投资担保机构(MIGA)成立了合规顾问/投诉办公室(CAO)。

    The International Finance Corporation ( IFC ) and the Multilateral Investment Guarantee Association ( MIGA ) established the Compliance Advisor / Ombudsman Office ( CAO ) in2000 .

  13. 国际金融公司(IFC),世界银行推动私营部门投资的成员机构,正在建议为发展中国家的小农户提供农作物和牲畜保险支持。

    IFC , the World Bank Group member that promotes private sector investment , is proposing to support crop and livestock insurance for small-holders in developing countries .

  14. 国际金融公司资金部主管本杰明鲍威尔(BenjaminPowell)表示,绿色债券代表着切合气候友好型投资需求的资本市场解决方案,越来越受企业欢迎。

    Benjamin Powell , head of funding at the IFC , said green bonds represented a capital markets solution to the need for climate friendly investment and were increasingly popular with companies .

  15. 国际金融公司(IFC)可能将其与农业企业和农业贸易有关的融资活动从今年的13亿美元增加到17亿美元。

    The IFC expects to increase it agribusiness and agriculture trade related finance activities to over US $ 1.7 billion , up from a current $ 1.3 billion this year .

  16. 国际金融公司(ifc)昨日同意为坦桑尼亚达累斯萨拉姆(daressalaam)的一个商业中心提供部分资金,该中心包括一幢14层的办公大楼。

    The International Finance Corporation agreed yesterday that it would help finance a commercial complex , including a 14-storey office block , in Dar es Salaam , Tanzania .

  17. 国际金融公司(IFC)在讨论各种可能采取的模式:与IFC一起进行项目投资、投资多国基金或者开展合资项目。

    The International Finance Corporation ( IFC ) is discussing a number of possible approaches : investing alongside IFC in projects , investing in multi-country funds , or in joint ventures .

  18. 国际金融公司(IFC)和世界乐队例如,国际金融公司的良好做法手册的重点,及早和有效的协商可以提供项目的好处。

    Finance Corporation ( IFC ) and the world Band for example , the IFC 's Good Practice Manual focuses on the benefits that early and effective consultation can offer a project .

  19. 例如,国际金融公司的客户Ecom将30多个国家里种植可可、咖啡和棉花的农户与全球市场连接起来。

    For example , one of IFCs clients , Ecom , connects cocoa , coffee and cotton farmers in over 30 countries to global markets .

  20. 世行集团还希望将世界银行集团的各种工具相结合,其中包括国际金融公司(IFC)和多边投资担保机构(MIGA),创造新的融资方案来满足大量的基础设施投资需求。

    The World Bank Group is also seeking to combine the tools of the whole World Bank Group , including IFC and MIGA , for innovative financing solutions to expensive infrastructure investment .

  21. 这项投资计划目前得到了世界银行、国际金融公司和欧洲复兴开发银行(EBRD)以及清洁技术基金资源的资助。

    The investment plan is being supported by the World Bank , IFC and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development ( EBRD ), along with CTF resources .

  22. 今天,我非常高兴地和大家一起参加国际金融公司中国中小企业发展项目(CPDF)的启动庆典。

    I am very pleased to be here with you today on the special occasion of the project launch for the China Project Development Facility ( CPDF ) .

  23. 世界银行集团的私营投资机构&国际金融公司(IFC)作为一个多边发展机构,一直致力于促进发展中国家私营部门的可持续发展,减少贫困,改进人民生活水平。

    IFC is the private investing organization of WB , As a multi-developing organization , All the while , IFC commits itself to helping developing countries : promoting the sustainable development of private sectors , reducing poverty and improving people 's standard of living .

  24. CPDF的措施很准确地体现了国际金融公司的战略要点的核心,即:以欠发达地区为主;支持当地中小企业和金融机构,并帮助获得可持续发展。

    This approach lies at the heart of IFC 's strategic priorities of focusing on underdeveloped markets , supporting local SME and financial sectors , and assisting with sustainable development .

  25. 该项目将由国际金融公司来管理。

    This project will be managed by the International Finance Corporation .

  26. 国际金融公司就是其中的一个成员。

    One of the members is the international finance corporation .

  27. 赤道原则-国际金融公司政策的延伸

    Equator principle & international finance company policy 's extension

  28. 国际金融公司还在11个农村金融项目中投资了约1.2亿美元。

    IFC has also invested about $ 120 million in11 rural finance operations .

  29. 国际金融公司的情况则大为不同。

    The IFC is quite a different case .

  30. 国际金融公司估计,屋内空气污染每年导致中国大约60万人死亡。

    It estimates indoor air pollution leads to about 6 00000 deaths a year .