
  • 网络International trade patterns
  1. 国际贸易格局的变迁与各国文化禀赋的兴衰具有一致性。

    International trade pattern has a vicissitude consistent with nations ' cultures .

  2. 国际贸易格局,是指世界各国国际贸易优势的比较关系。

    International trade pattern refers to comparison of international trade advantages between every country .

  3. 国际贸易格局正向着以信息产品及服务为中心的贸易格局转变。

    The structure of international trade comes to center around information products and intangible goods .

  4. 随着国际贸易格局的变动和人类生态意识的增强,在畜产品的国际贸易领域,逐渐形成了新的壁垒&动物福利壁垒。

    Animal welfare barrier have formed and developed in international trade of livestock product with changing of international and boosting up of consciousness of zoology .

  5. 同时,相关的实证研究和统计数据亦表明国际贸易格局的演化促成了贸易竞争与联盟运行机制的转变。

    Meanwhile , empirical studies and statistics show that the evolution of the international trade pattern leads to changing operational mechanisms for trade competition and alliances .

  6. 昨日发布的一份报告称,主要新兴市场国家之间的出口将在未来几十年里驱动全球经济增长,彻底改变国际贸易格局。

    Exports between leading emerging markets will drive global growth in the decades to come , transforming international trade flows , according to a report published yesterday .

  7. 近年来世界天然气产、销和国际贸易格局发生了重大变化。

    In recent years , dramatic changes have taken place in the world ′ s natural gas market landscape , in terms of production , marketing and international trade .

  8. 由此形成了发达国家向发展中国家高价出口高端商品,而发展中国家以低价格向发达国家出口低端商品的国际贸易格局。

    Based on that , the international trade pattern has been formed by the way that developed countries export superior commodities in high price to developing countries , and developing countries export elementary commodities to developed countries in low price .

  9. 各国实践大多表明,跨国公司直接投资对东道国出口贸易增长具有促进作用,它带动了全球制造业分工体系的形成,在很大程度上改变了国际贸易格局。

    Many countries ' practices prove that multinational corporations ' direct investment can increase host country 's exports . Direct investment promotes the formation of labor division system for global manufacturing industry , which changes International Trade pattern to great degree .

  10. 国际石油贸易格局与复杂网络特征分析

    The Analysis of International Petroleum Trade Pattern and Complex Networks ' Characteristics

  11. 从中美经常项目差额看国际贸易利益分配格局

    On International Trade Structure of Benefits Distribution from Perspective of Chinese and American Current Account Balance

  12. 有利于发达国家的国际贸易利益分配格局&发达国家的三重贸易利益

    The Distributional Pattern of Interests in International Trade that Favors the Developed Countries & The Trade Interests of Developed Countries from Three Perspectives

  13. 在金砖国家飞速崛起的同时,国际贸易的世界格局也在悄然发生着改变。

    At the same time when the " BRICS countries " develop in high speed , the pattern of international trade in the world is quietly changing .

  14. 它扭曲了国际农产品贸易格局,压低了国际价格,抑制了国际农产品贸易的扩展,引发了一系列的贸易竞争与摩擦。

    It distorted its international trade pattern , lowered the international price and suppressed the development of its international trade . Thus , it triggered off a series of trade competition and clash .

  15. 本文概括世界各国蓝箱措施的实施情况,分析新蓝箱措施出台的背景、原因,客观评价新蓝箱对国际农产品贸易格局的影响。

    This paper summarizes the performances of blue box measure in the countries all over the world , analyses the backgrounds and reasons of " new blue box ", and appraises its impacts on international agricultural product trade pattern objectively .

  16. 全球化背景下国际蔬菜贸易的基本格局及其动态特征

    International Vegetable Trade in the Background of Globalization : Basic Situation and Its Dynamic Characteristics

  17. 即在现行国际分工、果汁贸易格局中,日本苹果汁市场是一种较成熟市场。

    Thus , within the active international division of labor and trade patterns in fruit juice , Japanese market is a mature and steady one .

  18. 动物福利壁垒制约国际贸易发展,加剧国际贸易格局不平衡,阻碍贸易自由化并加剧贸易摩擦。

    It restricts the development of international trade , intensifies the imbalance of international trade structure , blocks the freedom of trade and increases international conflicts .

  19. 随着战后科技的进步和国际分工的深化,国际贸易的格局和模式也由以产业间贸易为主转变为以产业内贸易为主。

    With the development of science and technology improvement and deepening international division of labor , the intra-industry trade now takes a more important role than inter-industry trade in the pattern of international trade .

  20. 在经济全球化背景下,伴随着世界经济一体化进程加快,加速了要素在全球范围内的流动,促进了国际贸易的发展,使得国际贸易全球格局发生了新的变化。

    Under the background of economic globalization , with the process of the world economic integration , which speeds up the flow of the elements in the global scope , promotes the development of international trade , and also produces new change of the International Global trade situation .

  21. 科技中心的转移意味着国际贸易中心的转移,也就是国际贸易格局的变迁。

    Transfer of world center of science and technology means transfer of world center of international trade , namely world trade pattern 's vicissitude .

  22. 从环保标准差异方面分析当前国际贸易情况以及循环经济的发展对国际贸易格局的影响。

    This paper analyses the effect of environmental standards and circular economy on foreign trade , and then reviews the negative effect of lower environmental standards on China 's foreign trade .

  23. 特别是网络贸易的诞生,导致国际贸易运作方式产生了巨大变化,同时也对传统国际贸易理论、格局、法规提出了挑战。

    Especially the birth of Internet trade , leads the circulating way of international trade change a lot .

  24. 第二章是对四川纺织服装中小企业进行外部环境分析,首先进行国际环境分析,包括国际政治、经济、技术和社会文化环境分析,入世的影响和国际贸易格局的变化;

    Chapter 2 analyzes the thorough outer environment , including International and Chinese Political , economic , Technological and Cultural environment , as well as internal competition of textiles and apparel industry .