
guó huā
  • the national flower
国花 [guó huā]
  • [the national flower] 代表国家的花。--可以作为国家的象征及显示民族精神

  • 樱花是日本的国花

国花[guó huā]
  1. 玫瑰是美国的国花。

    Flowerrose is the national flower of the United states .

  2. 顾客:那你就买樱花吧,樱花是日本的国花。

    Customer : I recommend cherry blossoms , the national flower of Japan .

  3. 表盘的设计采用给了南非国花帝王花(TheKingProtea)。

    The design of the dial represents The King Protea ( Protea cynaroides ), the national flower of South Africa .

  4. 牡丹(PaeoniaSuffruticosa)是中国十大传统名花之一,也是我国的候选国花,具有极高的观赏价值。

    Tree peony ( Paeonia suffruticosa ) is a very popular traditional famous flower and candiate national flower . It has high ornamental value .

  5. 牡丹是我们的国花,是财富和欣欣向荣的象征。

    Peony is our national flower , symbols of wealth and prosperity .

  6. 沙龙的玫瑰是韩国的国花。

    The Rose of Sharon is the national flower of South Korea .

  7. 红色是国花红杜鹃的颜色,蓝色代表和平。

    Red is the color of Rhododendron State bonus , blue represents peace .

  8. 蓟是苏格兰的国花。

    The thistle is the national emblem of scotland .

  9. 美国国会选择玫瑰作为美国的国花。

    In nineteen eighty-six , Congress chose the rose as America 's national flower .

  10. 荷花是埃及的国花。

    Lotuses are the mational flowers of Egypt .

  11. 这些是美国的国旗,国徽,国花和国鸟。

    These are flag , emblem , nation flower and nation bird of America .

  12. 墨西哥的国花是仙人掌。

    Its national flower is a cactus .

  13. 根据对话,哪一个可能是中国的国花?

    According to the talk , which one may be the China 's national flower ?

  14. 呼吁及早选定梅花牡丹做我们的双国花

    To Appeal to Select Mei Flower and Tree Peony as Our " Twin National Flowers " Early

  15. 德国人在所有花卉之中,对矢车菊最为推崇,并且选定其为国花。

    German in all flowers among the most respected of cornflowers , and selected it as the national flower .

  16. 樱花是日本的国花,从古代到现代樱花一直都是日本文学发展史中的重要角色。

    Japanese flowering cherry is the national flower and plays an important role throughout the development of Japanese culture .

  17. 樱花是日本的国花,日本人又把樱花看作是重要的象征。

    Sakura is a national flower of Japan . The Japanese people have looked on Sakura as an important object .

  18. 康乃馨是西班牙的国花,在西班牙地区的亚拉贡地区广泛种植。

    Carnation is also Spain 's national flower , and it is widely grown in the Aragon region of Spain .

  19. 与国旗、国歌和国徽相比,国花的文化性和稳定性更为突出。

    Compared with national flag , national anthem and national emblem , national flower is more of cultural feature and stability .

  20. 菊花作为日本的国花,菊花被认为象征了人类精神的完美。

    The Chrysanthemum As Japan 's national flower the chrysanthemum is considered a symbol of the perfection of the human spirit .

  21. 在一次出访澳大利亚的过程中,女王穿了一件刺有澳大利亚国花金合欢的裙子;

    On one visit to Australia the Queen wore a dress embroidered with wattle , the national flower of the country ;

  22. 近日,来自深圳市的一位名叫黄建的年轻人,在韩国花了100万元人民币,做了一次整容手术。

    Huang Jian , a young man in Shenzhen , recently spent 1 million RMB on plastic surgery in South Korea .

  23. 这个位于地中海东部的岛国会给予任何在该国花30万欧元买下房产的人欧盟永久居留身份。

    The island nation in the Eastern Mediterranean gives permanent European Union residency to anyone who spends 300000 on a property .

  24. 虽然日本从未官方宣布它为国花,但是对日本人来说,樱花及其带来的乐趣是非常重要的。

    It has never been officially proclaimed , but the flowers and the enjoyment they provide are very important to the Japanese people .

  25. 国花是一个国家的文化象征,属于花文化的典型表现形式,具有丰富的精神内涵。

    National flower is a symbol of the country it represents . It is a typical form of flower culture with rich spiritual connotation .

  26. 这座植物园于1590年成立,是荷兰最古老的植物园,也是荷兰国花郁金香第一次种植的地方。

    Founded in 1590 , it 's the oldest botanical garden in the Netherlands and it 's where the Dutch national flower-the tulip-was first cultivated .

  27. 中国的帝王惊艳于它浓郁的花香和外观,把它命为国花。

    The emperor of China was so amazed by the powerful scent and by the aspect of the peony that he named it the national flower of his country .

  28. 以乌克兰国花命名的这款锦葵卫生棉条一盒有16条,但售价不到1美元,是欧洲同类产品价格的四分之一。

    A box of 16 Malva tampons , named after the national flower of Ukraine , sells for just under $ 1 , about a quarter of the price in Europe .

  29. 斯里兰卡的「塔米尔之虎」反叛军,在他们控制的斯里兰卡岛部份地区自行宣告成立的国家,早已拥有国花和国旗,现在他们徵求一首易于琅琅上口的国歌。

    Sri Lanka 's Tamil Tiger rebels who already have a national flower and flag for their self-proclaimed state in the parts of the island they control are now on a quest for a catchy national anthem .

  30. 在我国历史上,唐、明、清三代牡丹皆被称为国花,其身价之高、在国人心目中的地位之高,可见一斑。

    In our history , peony was considered as " state flower " during the dynasties of Tang , Ming and Qing . From this we can see its highly status in the heart of all the Chinese people .