
  1. 这个东西名叫FROG(四条腿机器人),是由我国中国科学院自动化研究所WeiWang教授发明的。

    Is this China 's answer to BigDog ? Not quite . This is FROG , or Four-legged Robot for Optimal Gait , a quadruped developed by Dr. Wei Wang 's team at the Institute of Automation , part of the Chinese Academy of Sciences , in Beijing .

  2. 伪满洲国中国人报纸的命运&以《国际协报》的发展及消失为例

    The Fate of Chinese Newspapers in Puppet Manchuria : An Example of the Newspaper International Association

  3. 据联合国中国协会表示,只有大约70人参与到了直接管理和决策。

    Only around 70 of them engage in direct management and decision making , according to theUNAC .

  4. 我国中国科学院计算所也提出了研究织女星网格计算机的计划。

    The Computer Institute under China Academy of Science has approved the Vega Grid Computer Research Plan .

  5. 在最大捐助国中国的坚持下,朝鲜不情愿地于2002年启动了临时经济改革,放开了部分价格和薪资。

    At the insistence of China , its largest benefactor , North Korea reluctantly embarked on tentative economic reforms in 2002 by liberalising some prices and wages .

  6. 在我国中国英语用于特定语言环境下的交流,在社会和文化的大背景下对于英语的学习呈现出不断增长的趋势。

    In China , China English is used for communication in particular language environments , the growing tendency of English learning has been developed under the social and cultural backgrounds .

  7. 美国的信用等级一被下调,其最大的债权国中国就把他的航母下海试航(公认地很巧合的时间)。

    No sooner was America 's credit rating downgraded than China , its biggest creditor ,( admittedly by a coincidence of timing ) sent its first aircraft-carrier out to sea .

  8. 分析家说,由于担心主要的能源消费国中国将进一步收紧货币政策以减缓飞速发展的经济,全球的石油价格星期二下跌。

    Global oil prices weakened Tuesday on concerns the major energy consumer China will make further moves to tighten its monetary policy so as to slow its booming economy , analysts said .

  9. 据联合国中国协会副主席张丹表示,要想到联合国工作,你必须通过语言测试、具备适应多元文化环境的能力,并且熟悉联合国的运作规则。

    To work at the UN , one has to pass the language test and has the ability of adaptation to multicultural environment , and familiarity for the operation rules of the UN , explains Zhang Dan , vice-president of the U.N. Association of China ( UNAC ) .

  10. 该国对中国游客实行免签。

    Chinese tourists are endowed with visa-free travel to this country .

  11. 结果,全球半数人口所在国家的地下水位急剧下降,这其中包括三大粮食生产国——中国、印度和美国。

    The result is falling water tables in countries with half the world 's people , including the three big grain producers —— China , India and the U.S.

  12. 2006年12月11日起,作为WTO成员国,中国按照入世承诺,全面开放金融业。

    China fully opened the finance industry according to the commitment as the WTO member on December 11 , 2006 .

  13. 如果不是WTO成员国,中国现在无疑仍是这种歧视所针对的目标。

    China would surely still be the target of such discrimination today if it were not a Member of the WTO .

  14. 日本是中国最大的贸易伙伴国,中国正式加入WTO为进一步发展和扩大中日双边贸易关系提供了良机。

    Japan is the biggest trade partner of China . The formal entry into WTO provides opportunities to expand the bilateral trade relationship between the two countries .

  15. 随着中国正式成为WTO成员国,中国金融市场将在未来几年内向外资银行逐步全面开放,我国银行业将进入全球竞争的时代。

    As a formal member of WTO , the financial market of China has to be fully opened to the foreign banks , so the banks of China have to compete with foreign banks in the globalizing market .

  16. 甚至是金砖国家(Brics)集团也均分成了净进口国(中国和印度)和净出口国(巴西和俄罗斯)。

    Even the Brics group is divided equally between net importers ( China and India ) and net exporters ( Brazil and Russia ) .

  17. 大夏国采用中国传统的封建礼制和职官;

    Daxia Kingdom adopted Chinese traditional etiquette system and official system .

  18. 人民共和国:中国人民的历史性选择

    The People 's Republic : A Historical Choice by the Chinese people

  19. 如新罗一样,渤海国是中国唐朝的属国。

    Like Silla , Parhae was a tributary state of Tang-dynasty China .

  20. 主要农产品出口国在中国市场竞争力研究

    Major Agricultural Exporting Countries in Chinese Market Competitiveness Study

  21. 当前我国心理学中国化进程中存在的问题

    Problems in the Process of the Psychological Research Chinese

  22. 我国刑法中国有单位受聘人员身份探析

    Analyzing the Identity of Staff Employed by the State-owned Units in Criminal Law

  23. 作为一个贸易国,中国已从第27位跃居第三。

    As a trading nation , China has gone from 27th to third .

  24. 例如,同为对美出口国的中国和墨西哥之间是一种竞争关系。

    China and Mexico , for example , compete as exporters to the US .

  25. 蒙古国与中国北部交界。

    Mongolia lies on the north of China .

  26. 而且,这上面看上去也没有列出身处他国的中国人。

    It doesn 't appear to track wealthy Chinese who have left the country .

  27. 对非洲主要大米进口国和中国来说,供应过剩开始压低进口价格。

    The glut is driving down prices for big rice importers in Africa and China .

  28. 美国、国和中国宣布:(以)的努力抗击禽流感。

    The United States , France and China announced new efforts to fight birds flue .

  29. 中华苏维埃共和国是中国革命一定阶段的必然产物

    The Chinese Soviet Republic Was a Inevitable Product in the Certain Period of Chinese Revolution

  30. 联合国、中国和美国已经承诺提供援助。

    The UN , China and US have already pledged aid for the rescue effort .