
  • 网络Bekaa;bekaa valley;Beqaa Valley
  1. 贝卡谷地的电子战:一种新看法

    Ew in the Bekaa Valley : A New Look

  2. 这是沿着叙利亚黎巴嫩边境贝卡谷地其中最大的一个。

    It 's one of the largest in Bekaa Valley along the Syrian-Lebanese border .

  3. 黎巴嫩贝卡谷地aadnayel,大约居住着30000人口。

    Saadnayel , in Lebanon 's Bekaa Valley , has a population of about 30000 people .

  4. 以色列的喷气式飞机星期五攻击了黎巴嫩南部靠近贝鲁特和贝卡谷地的几个地区。

    Israeli jets Friday struck several areas in southern Lebanon , near Beirut and the eastern Bekaa Valley .

  5. 不过,一些偏远选区存在不满情绪,如跟叙利亚接壤的西贝卡谷地。

    There have been complaints , however , in other far-flung electoral districts such as the West Bekaa , bordering Syria .

  6. 许多人在跨越边界贝卡谷地附近的偏远地区,经常受到像哈桑·阿卜杜拉曼这样的黎巴嫩帮助者的帮助。

    Many cross the border in remote areas near the Bekaa Valley , often with the help of Lebanese sympathizers like Hassan Abdelrahman .

  7. 星期四,在贝鲁特和贝卡谷地的街上还在发生激烈的交战,这导致机场、海港和道路被关闭。

    Fierce street fighting continued Thursday in Beirut , as well as in the Bekaa Valley , shutting down the airport , seaport and roads .

  8. 最新的事件发生在黎巴嫩东部贝卡谷地的偏远地区,此地与叙利亚的边界处来往密切,难以确定边界。

    The latest incident took place in a very remote part of Lebanon 's eastern Bekaa Valley , where the border with Syria is porous and not even clearly defined .

  9. 在克里斯琴-贝卡谷地城镇扎赫勒附近的另外一个投票站,那里的局面看上去得到了控制,武装运兵车上的安全部队人员正在守卫那个地区。

    At another polling station near the Christian Bekaa Valley town of Zahle , the situation appeared under control , with security forces guarding the area in an armed personnel carrier .

  10. 她对路透社记者说,自己之所以会在黎巴嫩的贝卡谷地开办学校是“因为我相信叙利亚难民的声音需要被聆听,他们已经被忽视太久了。”

    She told Reuters she chose to open the school in Lebanon 's Bekaa Valley " because I believe that the voices of the Syrian refugees need to be heard , and they have been ignored for so long . "