
  • 网络Front National;Barisan Nasional;the National Front
  1. 这一点应该会让主张重新启用法郎的马琳勒庞(marinelepen)和她的国民阵线(nationalfront)受益。

    This ought to benefit marine Le Pen and the national front , who want a return to the franc .

  2. 在3月初突然举行的大选之前,许多道路两侧挂满了塑料旗帜,画有执政联盟国民阵线(nationalfront)的司法天平标志,偶尔也会有其它政党的标志。

    Ahead of a snap election in early March , many roads had been lined with plastic flags carrying the scales of justice emblem of the ruling National Front coalition or , occasionally , of other parties .

  3. 去年12月在地区选举中(就在那次最严重的袭击发生之后),法国主流选民有策略地投票支持社会党和共和党候选人,以防反移民的法国国民阵线(NationalFront)在任一选区获胜。

    In regional elections last December , just after the worst attack , the French mainstream voted tactically for Socialist and Republican candidates to prevent the anti-immigrant Front National from winning a single region .

  4. 前总统尼古拉·萨科奇(NicolasSarkozy)就是常被其鄙视的目标。而且,该刊物还一直不遗余力地对反移民的右翼政党国民阵线(NationalFront)大加挖苦。

    The former President Nicolas Sarkozy was a particularly despised target , and the magazine has been unsparing in its evisceration of the right-wing , anti-immigrant National Front .

  5. 投票站出口民调显示,极右翼国民阵线(nationalfront)得票率约为14%,低于该党党魁马琳勒庞(marinelepen)在总统选举中18%的得票率。

    The exit polls showed the far-right National Front winning about 14 per cent of the vote , less than the 18 per cent achieved by marine Le Pen , the party leader , in the presidential election .

  6. 在av制下,国民阵线候选人不大可能吸引到许多次优选项,也不大可能在任何选举中获得50%的支持率,因此不可能胜选。

    Under AV , a national front candidate is unlikely to attract many second preferences or to gain 50 per cent in any vote , so therefore cannot win .

  7. 相比之下,英国独立党(UKIP)和法国国民阵线(NationalFront)等欧洲民粹主义反移民政党的崛起正将移民辩论推向更右倾的方向。

    In Europe , by contrast , the rise of populist anti-immigration parties , such as Britain 's UK Independence party and France 's National Front , is still driving the debate to the right .

  8. 一名极右翼国民阵线(FN)议员在推特上称奥朗德为“陛下”,而其他用户则在总统的照片上叠加了黑人式爆炸头、鲻鱼头等发型,来“帮他的理发师挣薪水”。

    A lawmaker with the far-right National Front ( FN ) referred to Hollande as " his majesty " on Twitter , while other users superimposed afros , mullets and other hairstyles on pictures of the president , to " help his hairdresser earn his salary . "

  9. 右翼政党国民阵线的领导人玛丽娜·勒庞(MarineLePen)也抓住这个机会——书中的穆斯林领袖在竞选中击败了她——说,“这本小说有可能在某天成为现实。”上周四,法新社报道维勒贝克已经停止宣传这本书。

    Marine Le Pen , the leader of the right-wing National Front , whom the fictional Muslim leader defeats in the novel , cashed in , calling it " a fiction that could one day become a reality . " Late Thursday , Agence France-Presse reported that Mr. Houellebecq ( pronounced WELL-beck ) had stopped promoting the book .

  10. 国民阵线旗帜的优势丝毫没有预示出该联盟在随后大选中的挫败。

    The predominance of front banners gave little indication of its subsequent election setback .

  11. 极右派政党国民阵线的支持率超过26%,位列第一。

    The far-right National Party has topped the balloting , taking upwards of 26 percent .

  12. 支持者称国民阵线早年恶毒的反移民言论已经有所缓和。

    Supporters claim the virulent anti-immigrant rhetoric of the National Front 's early years has moderated .

  13. 在2008年选举中,这个反对派联盟从国民阵线联盟手中夺得的议席之多前所未有。

    The opposition alliance took an unprecedented number of seats from the National Front during 2008 polls .

  14. 法国极右政党“国民阵线”在周日的欧洲选举中收获了近四分之一的选票。

    France 's far-right National Front party attracted one in four votes Sunday at the European polls .

  15. 只要国民阵线仍然掌权,马来西亚就不可能明显撤回新经济政策。

    Any significant retreat from the NEP is unlikely as long as the National Front remains in power .

  16. 在勒庞发现穆斯林是一个更好的靶子之前,法国国民阵线曾坚定地宣扬反犹太主义。

    The National Front in France was rooted in anti-semitism before Ms Le Pen judged Islam a better target .

  17. 对总理巴达维领导的由多民族组成的国民阵线来说,这是一个极大的受挫。

    It was a stunning setback for the multi-racial Barisan Nasional or National Front coalition of Prime Minister Abdullah Badawi .

  18. 有意从国民阵线夺回选民的这位前总统,很快提供了思路。

    The former president , who is intent on wooing back National Front voters , was quick to offer ideas .

  19. 是的,像法国国民阵线这样的极端右翼团体可能会从本周的事件中获得好处。

    Yes , extreme right parties like France 's National Front will likely benefit from the events of this week .

  20. 而在法国,围绕外来移民和经济政策问题展开的政治辩论很显然受到了国民阵线的右倾影响。

    In France , debates on immigration and on economic policy have clearly been pulled right by the national front .

  21. 墙上贴着即将到来的欧洲议会大选的海报,支持绿党或右翼的国民阵线,后来后者赢了。

    There were posters for the coming European parliamentary elections , for the Greens and the right-wing National Front , which would later triumph .

  22. 他甚至重复了一句从前“国民阵线”使用的口号,宣称“如果有任何人因为身在法国而遇到麻烦,他们应该毫不犹豫地离开。”

    He even echoed a one-time National Front slogan , declaring that " if anybody is bothered by being in France , they shouldn 't hesitate to leave . "

  23. 但是分析人士提出,国民阵线这次主要是失去了主要民族马来族穆斯林的支持,这些人对联合阵线感到气愤,说该阵线骄傲自满,贪污腐败。

    But analysts note that much of the loss of support happened among the majority Malay Muslims who voiced their anger at the coalition , accusing it of complacency and corruption .

  24. 马来西亚股市的暴跌是由周末的议会选举引发的,国民阵线在选举中获得了议会222个席位中的140席,而此前掌握着议会219个席位中的199席。

    The sell-off was sparked by the weekend election in which the National Front won 140 seats of 222 seats in parliament , compared with 199 of 219 in the outgoing house .

  25. 德国新选项党、法国国民阵线和英国独立党崛起的背后有一项关键因素:他们的领导人决定不诉诸露骨的种族主义,更别说身着制服实施暴力行为了。

    One crucial element in the rise of AfD , the National Front and Ukip is the decision of their leaders to steer clear of explicit racism , let alone uniformed violence .

  26. 当然,国民阵线候选人在任何投票制度下都不大可能当选法国总统,包括“简单多数制”,因为选民在投票时会有策略性。

    Of course , a national front candidate is not likely to be elected president of France under any system , including first past the post , because voters cast strategic ballots .

  27. 马哈地二十二日在巫统年度大会结束时含泪宣布辞去巫统和执政联盟&国民阵线联盟主席职务,而令马来西亚举国震愕。

    On the22nd , at the conclusion of the UMNO annual congress , Mahathir announced in tears his resignation from UMNO and his presidency of the ruling Nasional coalition to a stunned malaysia .

  28. 伦敦大学皇家霍洛威学院的安德烈·马莫内表示国民阵线这样的政党对于移民和经济同样忧心忡忡。

    Parties like the National Front combine fears over immigration with concerns over the economy , said Andrea Mammone , an expert on far-right politics in Europe at Royal Holloway University in London .

  29. 法国南部城市贝济耶市市长罗伯特•麦纳德与国民阵线有非常密切的联系,周五上午,他说他猜测英语在布鲁塞尔不再具有“任何合法性”。

    On Friday morning , the mayor of the southern French town of B é ziers , Robert M é nard - a man with close ties to the National Front - reckoned that English no longer had " any legitimacy " in Brussels .

  30. 评论家说《法国的自杀》和《屈服》最终都有利于国民阵线的政治利益,迎合了一股反体制的本土主义、反移民情绪,乃至反北约和反欧盟狂热,这股狂热虽在不断增长,但却支离破碎。

    Commentators said that both " The French Suicide " and " Submission " would ultimately shore up the political fortunes of the National Front , a growing if incoherent mix of anti-establishment nativism , anti-immigrant sentiment , and anti-NATO and anti-European Union fervor .