
  • 网络echo effect;backwash effect;backwash effect s;Repercussion Effects
  1. 本文探讨了英语作为第二语言教学中的回波效应。

    This paper discusses backwash effects in the context of teaching English as a second language .

  2. 当经济的某一地区的经济增长对另一地区的增长发生不利影响时,据说是回波效应在起作用。

    Backwash effects are said to operate where the economic growth in one region of an economy has economic adverse effects on the growth of other regions .

  3. 环形Josephson结中的回波效应与第一零场台阶的下限偏置电流

    Returning effect and the first zero field step in an annular Josephson junction

  4. 本文用微扰理论下环形Josephson结中圆对称孤子点粒子模型所得的结果,首先分析了环形结中各种耗散情形下的孤子回波效应,部分结果与数值模拟计算结果进行了比较;

    The returning effect of soliton in an annular Josephson junction is analysed in detail theoretically . Some results are compared with directly numerical simulation ones .

  5. 中国现行税制存在着对落后地区经济的不利影响,也即所谓的“回波效应”。

    The present tax system has an unfavourable influence on the economic development in the backward areas , that is the so-called " backward effect " .

  6. 第二部分为文献回顾,了解有关语言测试理论的知识,寻求对教学有正面回波效应的测试方法是当今教师关注的问题。

    The second part contains literature review about testing the theory of language knowledge , and gives a concentration that finding out a positive teaching method .

  7. 本文着重讨论诊断测试在语言教学中的回波效应,最后得出结论:语言测试要关注回波效应。好的测试方法对教学有正面的回波效应,方法或内容不当就会产生负面的回波效应。

    This paper mainly discusses the echo effect of diagnostic test in language teaching for the purpose of actively popularizing diagnostic test and promptly interfering the learning process of the students .

  8. 尽管在冲击试验总平均值上,大多数区域达到大于27J的水平,但在一组(3个冲击试样)数据内的离散性很大,估计与小尺度刚体内超声波回波叠加效应-拍有关。

    Although , the average impact test of majority region is greater than 27J , but there are a group of date ( three impact specimens ) discrete highly , estimated that concerning with superimposed ultrasonic echo effect " beat " in small-scale rigid body .

  9. 为了有效避免体波和边缘多次回波寄生效应,提出了一种Y型带倾斜反射器的双声路质量传感器。

    A new Y type dual path surface acoustic wave ( SAW ) mass sensor with slanting metal array reflectors was developed for suppressing bulk wave and edge reflection .

  10. 直升机旋翼对回波的调制效应分析

    Analysis of the modulation effect of the backscattered wave from a helicopter rotor

  11. 进而提出利用该声子晶体第二能带的回波负折射效应通过相位补偿来放大倏逝声波,实现声子晶体的高清晰成像。

    By means of the backward wave-vector effect , the acoustic evanescent waves can be amplified to realize the imaging beyond the diffraction limited resolution .

  12. 运动目标的雷达回波具有多普勒效应,目标的微动也会对雷达回波产生多普勒调制作用,即微多普勒效应。

    Micro-Doppler effect is that the radar echo of motion targets possess had doppler effect , and the micro-motion of targets can also create Doppler modulating action to radar echo likewise .

  13. 棱角是表面曲率的特殊情况,弯曲棱角的传递函数与频率的1/2次方成反比,因此,脉冲反射波形产生畸变,称为回波的棱角效应;

    The transmission function of a curved edge is in inverse proportion to 1 / 2 power of frequency , so the reflective wave-forms have the distortion known as the effect of an edge .

  14. 但是,由于超声回波的干涉效应以及散射回的超声波束之间存在相互干扰,在超声图像中会出现颗粒状的噪声,即斑点噪声。

    However , due to the interference effect of the ultrasonic echo and mutual interference between the ultrasound beam of scattering back , the ultrasound image will appear grainy noise , ie , the speckle noise .

  15. 文章从理论和实验上研究了二维三角晶格声子晶体第二能带具有回波(backward-wave)效应的负折射现象。

    Acoustic negative refraction with backward-wave ( BW ) effects have been both theoretically and experimentally established in the second band of a two-dimensional ( 2D ) triangular sonic crystal .

  16. 毫米波雷达旋翼回波的多普勒调制效应研究

    Research in the Doppler Modulation of Rotor Blades for Radar

  17. 脉冲镜反射回波及其表面曲率效应

    Sound pulse specular reflection echo and their curvature effect of boundary surface

  18. 在低频或谐振散射区域,光滑曲率表面的脉冲镜反射回波特征是在主回波后有时间扩展,它是由曲率反射面产生的,称为回波的曲率效应;

    In high frequency range , the specular reflection echo have the same wave form as the incident wave , but in low frequency range or resonance scattering range , there is a time expansion of the pulse width after main reflecting echo from smooth curvature surface .