
  • 网络Recycler
  1. 小型的浮油回收船可以清除碎片残骸以及海藻类,大型的浮油回收船可以在深海中作业。

    The smaller oil skimmer vessels are capable of removing debris and algae and the larger vessels can work on the deep ocean .

  2. 传统收油方式很多,但都有一定的局限性,最近专业溢油回收船在各国迅速发展,采用理想的内嵌式收油机对专业收油船的回收效率的提高有重要作用。

    Traditional oil revenues many ways , but have some limitations , recent oil spill recovery vessels professional rapid development in various countries , using the ideal embedded skimmer closing tankers for professional recycling efficiency plays an important role .