
  1. 他回家吃饭去了。

    He went home to eat .

  2. 如今,当时区的概念变得越来越没有意义,大家几乎不能容忍为了吃午餐而让办公室关门,而且越来越糟糕的城市交通也意味着工作的人们无论如何也来不及中午回家吃饭再返回办公室。

    Today , when time zones have less and less meaning , there is little tolerance for offices ' closing for lunch , and worsening traffic in cities means workers can 't make it home and back fast enough anyway .

  3. 他们在走回家吃饭之前喝了本地的苹果酒

    They imbibed the local cider before walking home to dinner .

  4. 等你回家吃饭哦!

    I will wait for you to come home to eat .

  5. 那种晚上回家吃饭的人。

    The kind of guy that comes home to dinner .

  6. 他们早都回家吃饭去了。

    They went home to dinner a long time ago .

  7. 那个饥饿的男孩直奔回家吃饭。

    The hungry boy made a bee-line for his dinner .

  8. 我爸爸带了几位朋友回家吃饭。

    My father brought several friends home for dinner .

  9. 各位能回家吃饭吗?

    Is everyone going to come home for dinner ?

  10. 男士请回家吃饭农业在很大程度上是靠天吃饭,自然灾害对农业影响极大。

    Man please go home the natural calamity was great to agricultural influence .

  11. 但,还是先回家吃饭吧。

    But I 'll go home for dinner first .

  12. 王建华,你妈妈喊你回家吃饭。

    Wang Jianhua , your mom wants you to go home for dinner .

  13. 她没有回家吃饭的时候,我们真的很担心。

    We got really worried when she didn 't come home for dinner .

  14. “等爸爸回家吃饭就马上抽。”母亲答道。

    " As soon as Daddy comes home for dinner ," Mother answered .

  15. 当几个男孩没有回家吃饭时,其家人报案说他们失踪了。

    The boys were reported missing when they didn 't come home for dinner .

  16. 他高高兴兴吹着口哨回家吃饭。

    He came home for dinner whistling cheerfully .

  17. 老爷明明是让咱们回家吃饭嘛。

    This could be god 's way of telling us to eat at home .

  18. 老先知对他说,请你同我回家吃饭。

    Then he said unto him , Come home with me , and eat bread .

  19. 老天爷明明就是叫我们回家吃饭嘛。

    Jamie : This could be God 's way of telling us to eat at home .

  20. 故事讲完后,母亲也看完病带着孩子回家吃饭。

    After he finished the story , the mother brought the children back and had dinner .

  21. 我现在终于知道为什么吉姆只是偶尔才回家吃饭了。

    I now know why Jim only comes home for meals every once in a while .

  22. 老公也因为家里气氛沉闷,渐渐变得很少回家吃饭。

    My husband seldom came back for dinner because of the cloud of gloom at home .

  23. 她总是把中午回家吃饭时,父亲给她的巧克力拿出来分给他人。

    She always shared the chocolate that her father gave her when she went home for lunch .

  24. 我回家吃饭,接着不知不觉就觉得不舒服。

    I going home , I ate and before you know it , I starting feeling sick .

  25. 他第一次不回家吃饭时,让人带信说他有事耽搁了。

    The first time he did this he sent a message saying that he would be detained .

  26. 然后就陪在牛牛身边,不肯回家吃饭。

    Then , she sat beside Niuniu to be a company , reluctant to go home for supper .

  27. 男士请回家吃饭

    Man please go home

  28. 当我回家吃饭,与我的父母哥哥聊天时我感觉好多了。

    I feel much better when I go home to eat and chat with my parents and brother .

  29. 每天晚上他都准时回家吃饭,觉得家里的小餐室可爱之极。

    Each evening he arrived promptly to dinner , and found the little dining-room a most inviting spectacle .

  30. 我想一个漫长的夏天的一天,西子应该回家吃饭,睡觉一觉。

    I would like a long summer day , and should go home Xizi eat , sleep a nap .