
  • 网络Back Pass;return pass;deny ball reversal
  1. 2008年欧洲杯足球赛横、回传球应用研究

    Research on Application of Lateral Pass and Return Pass in Various Teams in the 2008 European Cup

  2. 转腕球:虚假射门或巧妙回传球。

    Backhand : a deceptive shot or pass flipped backward .

  3. 目前洋基所有的,看起来就像个回传球;一个曾经的王牌进入生涯的尾声,自然的老化。

    What the Yankees have here , it appears , is a throwback : A one-time ace in the twilight of his career , aging naturally .

  4. 除了在第三节刚开始时他连续强势得分帮助火箭逐渐追上比分外,在第四节他又变回了一个传球者和跳投手。

    Aside from an stretch of forceful play early in the third quarter that helped the Rockets get back into the game , McGrady reverted back to passing and jump shots in the fourth .