
  1. 大坂是日本的第二大城市。

    Osaka is Japan 's second-largest city .

  2. 土星是太阳系中的第二大行星。

    Saturn is the second biggest planet in the solar system .

  3. 该党仍是意大利的第二大党。

    The party is still the second strongest in Italy .

  4. 对于英国来说,美国是仅次于德国的第二大客户。

    After Germany , America is Britain 's second-biggest customer

  5. 糖是斐济第二大出口创汇产品。

    Sugar is Fiji 's second biggest export earner .

  6. 这是世界上第二大空难,是1977年飞机跑道相撞事件的可怕重演。

    It was the world 's second worst air disaster , a horrific re-run of the runway collision in 1977

  7. 沃里克艺术中心是英国第二大艺术中心,规模仅次于伦敦的巴比肯。

    Warwick Arts Centre is the second largest Arts Centre in Britain , surpassed in size only by London 's Barbican .

  8. 尽管作为非洲大陆第二大西红柿生产国,尼日利亚却依赖每年价值10亿美元的进口西红柿酱,由于缺乏合适的储存设施导致大约75%的当地产西红柿都被白白浪费掉。

    Despite being the continent 's second-largest producer of tomatoes , Nigeria is dependent on $ 1 billion worth of tomato-paste imports every year , as around 75 % of the local harvest goes to waste thanks to a lack of proper storage facilities .

  9. 它是意大利第二大城市。

    It is the second largest city in Italy .

  10. 俄罗斯有着世界上第二大的射电望远镜。

    The second largest radio telescope is in Russia .

  11. 因为离父母太远,留守儿童的学习是第二大问题。

    Because of being too far away from their parents , the left-behind children 's study is the second biggest problem .

  12. 尼罗河的主要支流白尼罗河发源于位于非洲中东部的世界第二大淡水湖维多利亚湖的正上方。

    The main branch of the Nile , the White Nile , starts just above Lake Victoria , the world 's second largest fresh-water lake , in east central Africa .

  13. ❶以ham结尾的地名规则:字母h通常不发音伯明翰伯明翰是英格兰和英国的第二大城市和大都会区。

    Birmingham is the second-largest city and metropolitan1 area in England and the United Kingdom .

  14. 从全球来看,癌症是人类的第二大死因。

    Globally , cancer is the second leading cause of death .

  15. 中国是澳大利亚第一大旅游收入来源国,澳大利亚稳居中国第二大海外留学目的地。

    China is the largest source of tourist receipts for Australia while Australia is the second-largest destination of outbound Chinese students .

  16. 英国国家统计局的数据显示,在英国,痴呆症是仅次于心脏病的第二大杀手。

    Dementia is the second biggest killer5 in the UK behind heart disease , according to the UK Government agency , the Office for National Statistics .

  17. 相反,肥胖人群的增加意味着在英国它现在是致癌的第二大原因,每年有22000人因此患癌,此外,肥胖与乳腺癌、肠癌和子宫癌等13种癌症也有关。

    In contrast , the rise in obesity4 , which is linked to 13 different cancers including breast , bowel5 and womb , means it is now the second biggest cause of the disease , affecting 22000 people a year .

  18. 是的,它是第二大长河。长征二号F运载火箭

    Yes , it 's the second longest river . Long March II F carrier rocket

  19. 届时,IBM成为联想的第二大股东。

    After the purchase , IBM would become the second big shareholder of the Lenovo Group .

  20. 对已有的移接变形方法进行改进,刻画了邻接谱半径达到第二大,第三大的n(n>2)阶2-树。

    By using the improved method of graft transformation , we characterize the 2-trees that maximize the second and the third largest adjacency spectral radius .

  21. 壳聚糖(CS)是仅次于纤维素的第二大类生物多糖,CS作为膜材料由于其亲水性强,易溶胀而在应用中受到限制。

    Due to the strong hydrophilicity of chitosan , the application of chitosan membrane was limited .

  22. 比较第一与第二大股东相对持股比例的Z指数;股权流通比重系数Pf。

    Index Z is the equity proportion between the first and the second shareholder in a listed company .

  23. 你说的是AMD,那个仅次于英特尔(Intel)的全球第二大电脑芯片制造商?

    You mean AMD , as in the second biggest computer chipmaker in the world behind Intel ?

  24. 更甚的是,虽然印度已成为IBM在美国以外地区的第二大运营中心,IBM却将全球采购总部由纽约迁往另一个地区&中国深圳。

    Even as India has become the company 's second-biggest operation outside America , it has moved the head of procurement from New York to Shenzen in China .

  25. 去年,中国超过日本成为全球第二大电影市场。市场研究机构PacificBridgePictures估计,在未来五年,中国将超过美国。

    Last year , China surpassed Japan to become the world 's second largest film market , and Pacific Bridge Pictures estimates it will overtake the U.S. in the next five years .

  26. 该测试中第二大性能影响者是XFS,值为1.82。

    The second-best performer in this test was XFS , with a figure of1.82 .

  27. 如今,梅格•惠特曼已经成为加州第二大公司【仅次于雪佛龙公司(Chevron)】的掌门人。

    So , now Meg Whitman is in charge of California 's second-largest company & behind Chevron ( CVX ) .

  28. 中国第二大金矿企业紫金矿业(ZijinMiningGroup)昨日宣布,将进行首次公开发行,筹集最多15亿美元的资金。这一消息为备受打击的中国股市注入了一些乐观情绪。

    Zijin Mining Group , China 's second largest gold miner , yesterday said it would launch an initial public offering to raise up to $ 1.5bn , injecting some optimism into the beleaguered Chinese stock market .

  29. 投资者青睐赢家。中国股市的总市值虽未恢复到雷曼(Lehman)破产前的水平,但已超越日本,成为世界第二大。

    Investors love a winner and , although not back at pre-Lehman levels , China 's domestic market capitalisation has leapfrogged Japan to become the world 's second biggest .

  30. 目前,联想已经是中国和印度的市场领导者.周三,该公司宣布计划收购巴西第二大PC制造商CCE。

    Lenovo , already the market leader in China and India , on Wednesday said it plans to acquire CCE , the No. 2 PC maker in Brazil .