
pēn wù fǎ
  • Spray method;spray-on process
  1. 外源激素处理西瓜诱导单性结实的适宜时期为子房开花当天及花后1d,以微滴喷雾法于开花当天及花后1d各处理1次,可有效促进西瓜子房发育成正常商品无籽果实。

    Exogenous hormones were sprayed in minute drop 1 time at flowering and after 1 day of blooming , respectively .

  2. 结论采用中西医结合方法,用中药湿敷结合液氮喷雾法和CO2激光治疗尖锐湿疣,值得推广应用。

    Conclusion It is valuable that extended the therapy integrated tradition Chinese and west medicine of which liquid nitrogen spray and CO2 laser light therapy unite Chinese traditional medicine wet compress .

  3. 给豚鼠气管插管后、用喷雾法给予BDP纳米微囊及普通制剂悬液,不同时间点取血及肺组织,用高压液相色谱法测定血浆及肺组织匀浆BDP浓度。

    Healthy guinea pigs were spray inhaled BDP PLGA nanocapsules after intratracheal intubation . BDP concentrations were detected at different time points in both plasma and lung tissue homogenates by high press liquid chromatography ( HPLC ) .

  4. ai/hm2,适宜的施药方法为喷雾法。

    Ai / hm2 and the suitable method is by spray .

  5. 二氯化镁球形载体的制备中,采用了高速旋转喷雾法。

    Spherical MgCl_2 supports are produced by spraying under high speed revolution .

  6. 喷雾法合成气体水合物的实验研究

    Experimental study on forming hydrate by spray reactor The Emissivity of Gas

  7. 方法:采用毛细玻管法和浓氨水喷雾法,确定车前子甙的作用。

    Methods : By capillary and concentrated ammonia spraying .

  8. 方法点滴法、直接喷雾法和滞留喷雾法。

    Methods The dropping method , the spraying method and the resort spraying method .

  9. 并对气体喷雾法和离心法进行了比较。

    The gas spraying method and the centrifugal method are compared in the paper .

  10. 最佳诱导方法为叶面喷雾法。

    The best inducing method was foliar spraying .

  11. 采用水喷雾法,通过稀释和机械作用破坏泡沫。

    Water sprays are used to break the foam by dilution and mechanical action .

  12. 超声喷雾法工艺及薄膜性能研究

    Research on Ultrasonic Spraying Technology and Film Properties

  13. 采用浓氨水喷雾法观察其镇咳作用;

    The antitussive effect was observed by mouse cough model induced by concentrated ammonia .

  14. 喷雾法制作高质量工具钢

    Spray steel makes high quality tool steel

  15. 喷雾法烟气脱硫技术的特性研究

    The Characteristic of Spray-dry Flue Gas Desulfurization

  16. 喷雾法产生蒸汽,不易结垢;

    Spraying steam , easy to scale ;

  17. 用喷雾法释放草蛉卵防治害虫

    Spray Chrysopa eggs for pest control

  18. 顺丁烯二酸喷雾法脱水工艺

    Dehydration of Maleic Acid by Atomizer

  19. 压缩空气喷雾法处理含氨工业废水

    The method of jetting fog with compressed air for the treatment of industrial wastewater containning ammonia

  20. 普通居民也许都很知道涂刷法和喷雾法的使用。

    The use of brush and spray methods is perhaps best known to the ordinary householder .

  21. 方法选用密闭圆桶直接喷雾法。

    Methods Spraying directly .

  22. 用84消毒液气溶胶喷雾法快速消毒病室空气。

    We take rapid sterilization of the air in the wards with " 84 " disinfectant aerosol nebulization .

  23. 介绍了喷雾法增湿的基本原理、设备的结构设计及附件的选型,讨论了对实际生产中可能发生的操作故障的防止与消除措施。

    The fundamental principle , structure and selection for attachment of a new spray humid tower are introduced .

  24. 在气管切开护理中,通过动物实验观察喷雾法与常规滴药法的效果。

    In nursing care of tracheotomized patients , the effects of both aerosol and routine dropping therapy were observed .

  25. 半干喷雾法脱除燃煤锅炉烟气中硫、氮技术及装置

    The technique and equipment of sulfur and nitrogen removal from flue gas of coal combustion boiler using semi-dry spraying method

  26. 这样,目前普遍使用的是导电涂料喷雾法。

    Thus , in general , the conductive paint spray method and the electroless plating method have been currently used .

  27. 然后,将疫苗涂布在微粒(显微镜级)上,并将微粒用上述新的,无需用针注射的喷雾法以极快的速度喷射入人体。

    Then , microscopic particles are coated with the vaccine and shot into the body at super-fast speeds using this new , needle-free device .

  28. 结果显示:喷雾法药物在呼吸道内的分布、分布的均匀性、部位的深浅以及用药剂量等方面,效果明显优于常规滴药法。

    Animal experiment showed that in aerosol therapy after tracheotomy the drug distribution , homogeneity , depth and dosage were all better than in dropping therapy .

  29. 采用氨水喷雾法,记录小鼠咳嗽潜伏期以及3分钟内的咳嗽次数。

    Using cough model induced ammonia water , the incubation period of cough time and 3 minutes cough in mice were recorded from begining ammonia spray .

  30. 课题中使用的后整理法有等离子体刻蚀法、喷雾法、印花涂层法、刮刀涂层法和泡沫整理法等。

    In this topic , there are several finishing methods , such as plasma etching , spraying , printing coating , blade coating , foam finishing method .