
pēn shè
  • inject;jet;spray;spurt;erupt;spraying-up;spurt out
喷射 [pēn shè]
  • (1) [erupt]∶液体、气体或成颗粒状的固体突然地或暴烈地迸出或放出

  • 火山喷射出弹状熔岩

  • (2) [spray;spurt;jet]∶流体高速地从一个物体的喷嘴或孔口射出

  • 火焰和浓烟从这艘军舰的侧冀喷射出来

喷射[pēn shè]
  1. 喷射沉积6066Al/SiCp复合材料

    6066al / sic_p composites by spray deposition

  2. 喷射共沉积2024Al/SiCP的显微组织及阻尼性能

    Microstructure and damping properties of 2024al / sic P metal matrix composites produced by spray codeposition

  3. 这种蛇能把毒液喷射到一米处远。

    The snake can squirt poison from a distance of a metre .

  4. 放大器爆炸,喷射出火星。

    The amplifier exploded in a fountain of sparks .

  5. 警察用高压水炮喷射示威者。

    Police blasted the demonstrators with water cannons .

  6. 清澈的水从喷泉中喷射出来。

    Clear water spouted from the fountains .

  7. 向它喷射冷空气可以使水蒸发。

    Blasting cold air over it makes the water evaporate

  8. 他站起身来,乌黑的眼睛里喷射着怒火。

    He got to his feet and his dark eyes were blazing with anger

  9. 主广场有个喷泉,能将水喷射至40英尺高的空中。

    The main square has a fountain that spouts water 40 feet into the air

  10. 一股柴油从一个阀门中喷射出来,另一个阀门中则没有喷出任何东西。

    A spurt of diesel came from one valve and none from the other .

  11. 这座火山喷射出的岩浆高达650英尺。

    The volcano spewed a fountain of molten rock 650 feet in the air .

  12. 在暴风雨中,水从出气孔中喷射出来,就像鲸鱼喷水一样。

    In a storm , water spouts out of the blowhole just like a whale .

  13. 油从破裂的管子中喷射出来。

    Oil gushed from the broken pipe .

  14. 石油会沿着钢管上涌,如同自喷井那样喷射出来。

    The oil rushes up the tube and spouts up as a gusher .

  15. 以上讨论中提出的线性化分析并非对所有喷射型式都是有效的。

    The linearized analysis given in the preceding dissussion will not be valid for all types of injection pattern .

  16. 压缩空气的喷射气流将气垫船浮在地面上,船的四周有柔性围裙来维持气垫并使气垫船稳定。

    Jets of compressed air lift the hovercraft off the ground , and flexible skirts around the craft retain the air cushion , and help to keep it stable .

  17. 当处于危险时,它会喷射墨汁。

    It ejects ink when it is in danger .

  18. 喷射的烟雾从烟囱里冒了出来。

    A jet of smoke sprang out of the funnels .

  19. 发动机正在喷射一缕缕轻烟。

    The chimneys were pluming the sky ; The engine was pluming black smoke .

  20. 空气伞的设计原理是从伞的底部吸入空气,然后在顶部以类似顶篷的形状喷射出去。

    The design of the Air Umbrella calls for air to be sucked through the bottom , then shot out of the top in a pattern that mimics4 the standard canopy5 .

  21. 空气喷射的强度和顶篷的大小控制按钮都在伞柄底部,让用户可以在雨量较大时增强空气的喷射强度并增大空气顶篷的尺寸。

    Power and canopy size controls reside toward the bottom of the shaft6 , providing users with the ability to strengthen the force of the air and widen the canopy in order to adjust for heavier rains .

  22. C高;性能价格比高。旋转喷射泵是一种结构简单、可靠、压头高的流体输送设备。

    Roto-jet pump is the simplist and most reliable high pressure fluid transporting apparatus .

  23. 溶有CO2燃油的闪急沸腾喷射过程研究

    Study of Flash Boiling Injection of Fuel Containing Dissolved CO_2

  24. 喷射速度(V)6~9m/s;

    Jet velocity ( V ) of 6 ~ 9m / s ;

  25. AD型喷油泵燃油喷射系统计算机建模和仿真分析研究

    Modeling and Simulation on Fuel Injection System of AD Type Pump by Computer

  26. 用喷射成形工艺制备了AlZnMgCu高强铝合金。

    High strength Al Zn Mg Cu alloys were produced by spray forming process .

  27. 半固态喷射沉积TiCp/7075铝合金的晶粒长大规律

    Grain growth law of semi-solid state tic_p / 7075 Al alloy prepared by spray deposition

  28. 研究了喷射沉积再经过热变形处理的5083AlMg合金的超塑性。

    The superplasticity of spray deposited and thermomechanical processed 5083 Al-Mg alloy is investigated in this paper .

  29. 恒温等压处理对氧化喷射Al2O3/Al颗粒复合材料性能的影响

    Influence of Isothermal Pressing Treatment on Properties of Al_2O_3 / Al Particulate Composite Produced by Spraying-Oxidation-Deposition

  30. 文章详细介绍了AC单兵喷射器的设计原理、技术参数及性能特点。

    This paper introduces in detail the design principles , technical parameters and performance features of AC one-man injector .