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Conductivity of Botrytis cinerea hyphae gradually increased , the leakage of soluble proteins and soluble sugars increased in solution , which showed that cell membrane permeability was changed by BIT . resulting in leakage of the inclusions . 4 .
Activity Screening studies on Crude Extracts From Plants to Botrytis cinerea
Construction of cDNA library of B.cinerea by in vitro site-specific recombination reaction
Added antimicrobial and TiO2 is more available to restrain the mold .
Agarose-gel-electrophores experiments after different concentrations of BIT applied to grey mold showed that genomic DNA content changed little between different treatment groups . Combining with the pictures of transmission electron microscope , it indicated that BIT did not damage DNA of Botrytis cinerea .
In the antibiosis detection with B. cinerea on plate , iturin inhibited mycelial growth and caused the vesicle structures in the tips of hyphae , then the cell wall broken and the protoplasm leaked out .
The activity of β - 1,3-glucosidase , phenylalanine ammonia lyase ( PAL ), poly-phenoloxidase ( PPO ) and catalase ( CAT ) were increased by inoculating Botrytis cinerea and under different concentration treatment with the extracts of Xanthium sibiricum .
Biological characteristics of Botrytis cinerea from kenaf and its cross infection
And had an obvious inhibitory effect on gray mold hypha growth ;
The Inhibition Effect of 7 Fungicides on Gray Mold of Garlic Sprouts
Bioactivity screening of crude extracts from 49 species of plants to Botrytis cinerea
However , it had no effect on sterol biosynthesis of this fungus .
Inhibition of grey mold on Postharvest table grapes by using ethanol and potassium sorbate treatment
Studies on Effect of Plastic Film with Ag Anti-Bacteria Material on Inhibition of Gray Mould
Advances in Fungicides-Resistance Research in Botrytis Cinerea
Cold storage at constant temperature often caused garlic bolts to rot and 12 pathogens .
Strains showed stronger antagonism than others and accounted for 9.1 % of all fungi .
The colonization was successful when spore density of trichoderma was adaptive , and the colonizing could be influenced by botrytis cinerea .
The resistant strains of Botrytis cinerea to carbendazim and thiophanate-methyl were discovered in Harbin outskirts by field investigation and controlling fungus test in lab.
Strains that could spread quickly on the plate without nutrition and inhibit Botrytis cinerea completely were obtained from the second screening through leaf-disc method .
These suggested that grey mould treat may change the structure and lead to some biophysical and biochemical alteration in lipid raft on Arabidopsis plasma membrane .
As a species complex , Botrytis cinerea has been frequently repoted about the difference of biological characteristics , pathogenicity and resistant to fungicides between isolates .
Nano-Cu2 + / TiO2 sol , which had the highest photocatalytic activity , was selected to study its effects on Avian Influenza Virus ( H9 H2 ) disinfection , Cucumber Botrytis cinerea spores ' germination and photosynthesis of Cucumber leaves .
Under the treatment of the extracts of Xanthium sibiricum for a period , the conductivity showed a increasing trend , Which showed the extracts of Xanthium sibiricum could result in leakage of inclusion of mycelium and change of penetrability of cell membrane to make conductivity increase .
By treatment with the extration from Xanthium sibiricum of 30mg / ml , conidiophores of Botrytis cinerea were 33500 . Comparing with CK of 225000 , the inhibiting rate was 85.1 % . The extration from Xanthium sibiricum had strong inhibiting effect on producing conidiophores of Botrytis cinerea .
Effect of Carotenoids on Abscisic Acid Production of Botrytis Cinerea
Construction of Engineering Trichoderma Strains and Their Characteristics against Tomato Gray Mold
The optimal condition of gray mold Botrytis cinerea in experiment were potato agar medium plus 1.5 % dextrose at 18-26 ℃ and 8 hours light per day .
On the Loss of Herbicidal Compounds in Metabolites of Botrytis cinerea during Rotary Evaporation Effect of Carotenoids on Abscisic Acid Production of Botrytis Cinerea