
  • 网络Beer Museum
  1. 发布会在珠江-英博啤酒博物馆举行。

    The launch was held inside Zhujiang-InBev International Beer Museum .

  2. 蕴含深厚底蕴的啤酒博物馆,讲述着青岛啤酒历史的变迁,展示着啤酒厂的兴旺与发展。

    The informative Beer Museum displays the history of development of Tsingtao Beer .

  3. 美方舰长和主要军官将参观青岛啤酒博物馆和青岛市的风景名胜。

    S.vessel will also visit Qingdao Beer Museum and tour places of historical interests and scenic spots in Qingdao .

  4. 青岛啤酒博物馆及青岛啤酒工业旅游,青岛美丽的自然风光,无不吸引前来寻幽探胜的旅游者。

    Tsingtao Beer Museum and the Tsingtao Beer tourism industry , Qingdao and beautiful natural scenery , attract the tourists exploration .

  5. 唯有半月酒厂从16世纪至今依旧屹立不倒,每年来布鲁日造访他们唯一的酒厂以及啤酒博物馆的游客超过了10万人。

    De Halve Maan has been standing since the 16th century , and over 100000 tourists flock to Bruges to view their brewery and beer museum every year .

  6. 相反的,一些啤酒博物馆反而是必游之地,其中之一就是布鲁塞尔的贵兹啤酒酿造博物馆。

    In contrast , attending of some beer museums is a must thing to do . One of them is arranged in Brussels , specifically Gueuze Museum of Beer-Making .