
  • 网络Biergarten;The Beer Garden
  1. 最近,T2的餐食档次也提高了,引入了CroqueMadame快餐店和BKLYN啤酒花园,前者是大厨安德鲁·卡尔梅利尼(AndrewCarmellini)开设的法式三明治快餐店,后者提供桶装啤酒,菜单是大厨洛朗·图龙登(LaurentTourondel)设计的。

    Terminal 2 recently got a dining upgrade to include Croque Madame , a French sandwich spot from the chef Andrew Carmellini , and BKLYN Beer Garden with tap beers and a menu by Laurent Tourondel .

  2. 餐厅分为两部分组成:室内酒廊和露台啤酒花园。

    The restaurant divided into two sections , indoor lounge and terrace beer garden .

  3. 烧烤啤酒花园,温泉宫、餐厅等服务设施应有尽有。

    BBQ Beer Garden , Spa Palace , a restaurant and other service facilities , everything .

  4. 我们吃的是,一个啤酒花园的,汉堡和啤酒,75美分就可以了。

    We discovered a beer garden where you get a hamburger and a bottle of beer for , I think 75 cents .

  5. 霍姆-下一代海是一个伟大的喜爱,具有光滑,平坦的沙滩,沙丘和滚动一个在村里巨大的啤酒花园华丽的乡村小酒馆。

    Holme-next-Sea is a great favourite , with smooth , flat sandy beach , rolling sand dunes and a gorgeous village pub with a huge beer garden in the village .

  6. 现在他手中有6000多副耳机,为中国一类的遥远地方下订单,在阿斯托利亚(Astorial)波西米亚礼堂的啤酒花园里有一个固定的夜间活动,每次总能吸引1000多人。

    He now has more than 6,000 pairs , bookings as far away as China and a standing night at the beer garden at Bohemian Hall in Astoria , which draws up to 1,000 people .

  7. 用一个较浅的盘子装满啤酒放入花园中,可以消灭令人讨厌的蜗牛,蛞蝓和蜜蜂。

    Deal with pesky snails , slugs , and bees by leaving a shallow dish filled with beer in your garden .

  8. 仅有的消遣是喝啤酒和在花园里种花草。

    His only recreations are drinking beer and working in the garden .

  9. 我仅有的消遣方式就是喝啤酒和在花园里种花草。

    My only recreations are drinking beer and working in the garden .

  10. 以及布鲁克林啤酒厂(BrooklynBrewery)的啤酒花园(Biergarten),那里也提供三明治和小菜。

    and Biergarten from Brooklyn Brewery , which also offers sandwiches and small plates .

  11. 每年,它在Nockherberg啤酒厂的柏龙啤酒屋和啤酒花园开始,当年那些手艺精湛的修士们就住在这里。啤酒节的第一个活动是拧开第一桶Salvator啤酒,也就是最初酿造的那种啤酒,它依然浓郁。

    It begins each year at the Nockherberg brewery 's Paulaner beer hall and garden , former home to those crafty friars , with the tapping of the first keg of Salvator , the original brew , just as strong .