
shānɡ wù dài biǎo
  • Business Representative;commercial representative;trade representative;commercial agent
  1. 下周一我们的商务代表将拜访您。

    Our commercial agent will wait on you next Monday .

  2. 酒井先生:打扰一下,虚线代表的是什么?下周一我们的商务代表将拜访您。

    MR. SAKAI : Excuse me , what does the dotted line represent ? Our commercial agent will wait on you next Monday .

  3. 浙江通信建设集团的WangXuefei就是该代表团的三十多位商务代表之一。

    Wang Xuefei with the Zhejiang Communications Construction Group is among the 30 plus business people of the delegation .

  4. AAM在中国上海设立技术及商务代表处。

    AAM established China Business Office in Shanghai , China .

  5. 第五部分,在前一部分的基础上,对青岛SZ公司商务代表胜任力模型实践应用存在的问题进行了评价,并提出了改进建议。

    Part ⅴ, on the basis of the previous section , further evaluates problems that exist in practical application and makes recommendations for improvement .

  6. 笔者根据自身工作的实践,对SZ公司商务代表的岗位胜任力模型作了研究,并形成具体的实践应用措施。

    The author researched the competency model of Business Representative in SZ Company that the author worked for and formed a practical application measure .

  7. 第三部分开始对青岛SZ公司总体情况、商务代表的人力资源现状进行归纳分析,在此基础上提炼出了区分绩效优秀者与普通者的绩效考核标准。

    The third part is to summarize and analyze the general situation of Qingdao SZ Company and the Human Resources status of Business Representative , on the basis of which to extract performance appraisal standard to distinguish the best performer from ordinary performers .

  8. 电子商务代表着保险业未来的发展趋势。

    E-business represents developing trends of insurance industry .

  9. 去年十一月设备融资租赁协会向中国派出了它的第二个商务代表团。

    Last November the Equipment Leasing Association conducted its second business development mission to China .

  10. 全球计算机网络的电子商务代表着未来贸易的发展方向。

    The electronic business in the global computer net represents the developing trend of future trade .

  11. 90人组成的以色列商务代表团将会见中国最大企业的负责人,包括市值达数十亿美元的互联网巨头百度。

    The Israeli business delegation of 90 people will be meeting heads of China 's biggest corporations , including multi-billion-dollar Internet giant Baidu .

  12. 阿富汗商务代表最近在华盛顿特区与美国商务代表会面,共商进行贸易的有利时机、开展新合作并交换了意见。

    Business representatives from Afghanistan met with their American counterparts in Washington d.c.recently to discuss trade opportunities , develop new contacts and share ideas .

  13. 我的一名同事随同卡梅伦及其大型商务代表团访华,他说,他们没有一个人讲过汉语。

    A colleague who travelled with Mr Cameron and his large business delegation says he did not hear any of them make a speech in Mandarin .

  14. 第四部分详细介绍了商务代表岗位胜任力模型构建的过程,随后阐述了胜任力模型在实际应用中所采取的措施和应用效果。

    The fourth section details the competency model building process and then describes measures that are taken during practical application of competency model and application results .

  15. 克莱格·艾默森此行率领澳大利亚商务代表团来湘考察投资环境,并出席中国(湖南)·澳大利亚环境治理合作签约等活动。

    The delegation aims to inspect the investment environment in Hunan and attend the signing ceremony of the agreement on environmental treatment cooperation between Hunan and Australia .

  16. 此次商务代表团由湖北省副秘书长王国耀率领,赴圣保罗与巴西商人一起参加周二举行的商务会议。

    The business mission , headed by the Vice-Secretary General of the province , Wang guoyao , took part in a business meeting Tuesday with Brazilian businesspeople in Sao paulo .

  17. 在全球经济下滑的情况下,中国派出商务代表团赴欧洲采购将会为双方创造双赢局面。

    Anchor : China 's decision to send a business delegation to purchase goods from Europe is expected to create a win-win situation for both sides amid the global econoimc downturn .

  18. 当天早些时候,伦敦商务代表团会晤了黄浦江外滩对岸的浦东新区领导。外滩曾是汇丰银行等欧洲银行的总部。

    Earlier , the business delegation had met the administration of the Pudong New Area across the Huangpu river from the Bund , once the headquarters of European banks such as HSBC .

  19. 电子商务代表着未来贸易方式的发展方向,由它引发的交易方式的创新集中体现在商品的流通过程上,并由此引起流通模式的变革。

    E-commerce represents the development trend of trade in the future , which brings the innovation of trade means concentrating on the flow process of commodity , and results in the changes of logistics model .

  20. 上世纪80年代初,我协助安排一个中国商务代表团出访北美,之后在纽约机场与他们会面,又陪同他们度过了一段行程。

    I helped arrange for a business delegation from China to visit North America in the early1980s , and then met them at the airport in New York , and accompanied them for a good part of the trip .

  21. 电子商务代表着未来商业发展的方向,电子商务迅速发展在为人类社会带来便捷、效率和财富的同时,也对各国长期以来行之有效的调整传统的商业交易关系的法律制度提出了严重的挑战。

    The electronic commerce represents the developing direction of the future commerce . Its swift development brings convenience , efficiency and wealth to man 's society , simultaneously , puts forward serious challenge to the law system that regulates the conventional trade relation effectively carried out in various countries .

  22. C2C网站作为电子商务的代表,正以其便利性、快捷性和趣味性将人们带入了一个全新的消费时代。

    As the representative of e-business , C2C website has brought people into a new consumption era with its convenience , promptness and entertainment .

  23. 以网络电子商务为代表的新经济正在改变着中国经济的发展格局。

    A new economy represented bye & business is changing the development pattern of Chinese economy .

  24. 自互联网进入中国,以电子商务为代表的各类商业化应用广受社会关注。

    Since the internet services emerged in China , many kinds of commercial applications represented by E-business become the object of universal attention .

  25. 在评标阶段,承包商应指派各领域合格的技术和商务授权代表进行技术和商务讨论。

    Contractor shall provide competent and authorized technical and commercial representatives of all disciplines for technical and commercial discussions at bid evaluation stage .

  26. 在每个订单开工前,承包商应召集合格的技术和商务授权代表召开开工会。

    Contractor shall make available competent and authorized technical and commercial representatives for a kick-off meeting prior to commencing work as per purchase order .

  27. 英语商务信函代表了公司形象及商业信誉,因而掌握商务信函的写作技巧及其语言特点是极其重要的。

    A good master of business letters writing skills and language features are extremely crucial because they stand for the company public image and corporate reputation .

  28. 随着近10多年来信息技术的迅速发展,以电子商务为代表的网上无形交易方式正在逐渐渗透到有形专业市场交易的各个环节。

    With the rapid development of information technology within nearly 10 years , online invisible trading method ( mainly referring to e-commerce ) has gradually infiltrated all aspects of market transactions .

  29. 互联网信息技术的快速发展,出现了以社交化网络和电子商务为代表的应用,它们拥有庞大的用户群体,对大数据量的处理需求日益增加,云计算技术应运而生。

    With the rapid development of the Internet and IT , the social network and e-commerce applications appear as the representative , which have a large user group . In order to deal with the increasing demand for large scale data sets , cloud computing technology comes into being .

  30. 史蒂文先生,这位是国际商务公司的代表保罗史密斯。

    Mr. Stevenson , this is Paul Smith , a representative of the international business company .