
Please contact FedEx Customer Service Department for exact details .
For overseas customers , please dial one of the above toll customer service numbers .
Amazon 's drone programme , known as Prime Air , has been working since 2013 on developing aerial vehicles that can deliver packages directly to customers " houses .
After the company have been already registered , we 'll send all the documents to the client , the client can using the name of this company to operate business .
It said the quadcopter drones were deployed in a " one-off test , " to last three days , launched in areas of Beijing , Shanghai , and Guangzhou to whisk boxes of ginger tea to customers .
In such situation , customer information system of express industry is made out .
Couriers are rated by customers based on politeness , presentation , and helpfulness .
Facing to huge developing market and cogent market competition , Express Industry should win customers and earning profit by integrating service flow , optimizing resources , providing excellent and individual services .
If she has to wait in a client 's house for a builder to arrive or a parcel to be delivered , she adds , most do not mind if her daughter comes too and settles down in front of some children 's television .
Express plays a more and more important role in economy , society and life because the express enterprises provide the customers with the cargos-delivery service quickly , safely , accurately , conveniently , considerately .
Earlier this year , the company struck a promotional partnership with FedEx Corp. , offering FedEx customers help using the site in exchange for FedEx giving Alibaba users a discount .