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  1. 许多学者注意到这一点,指出《新唐书·艺文志》是中国古代小说观念发生变化的一个重要标志,但仍需要确凿的文献来证实这种说法。

    Although many scholars have thought that " Yiwenzhi " of New Book of Tang is an important symbol of the change of view of ancient Chinese novels , it is still to be verified with authentic documents .

  2. 后来的《隋书·经籍志》、《旧唐书·艺文志》、《新唐书·艺文志》等史书都把《山海经》列入史部地理类。

    Later , Sui Shu Jing Ji Zhi , Old Tang book Yi Wen Zhi , new book of Tang Yi Wen Zhi and other historical books , all ranked shanhaiching as the history of the Department of geography .