
  1. 本文试图通过对唐代铜镜纹饰形式美的分析研究,探寻唐代铜镜艺术中蕴涵的社会文化。装饰纹样在唐代的铜镜中的运用达到了极致,把唐朝推到了中国铜镜史上的艺术高峰。

    This paper wants to explore the social and cultural meaning of the art of Tang Dynasty bronze mirrors by emblazonry .

  2. 一直以来,海兽葡萄镜在我国各地都有出土,是唐代铜镜中数量最多的一种。

    All along , the Marine Animal grapes mirror across the country have unearthed the largest number of the Tang Dynasty bronze mirror in one .

  3. 海兽葡萄镜是唐代铜镜中的奇葩,也是整个古代铜镜中的佼佼者。

    Marine Animal grape mirror is a Tang Dynasty bronze mirror of the wonderful work , but also throughout the ancient bronze mirror in the crowd .

  4. 在此基础上,选取中国与日本发现的唐代铜镜为主要依据,在微观上对中日物质文化交流的实态、意义以及日本民族对待先进外来文化积极继承和发扬的态度进行思考、研究。

    On the basis of these , it studies the meanings of Sino-Japanese material cultural exchanges and the real attitudes of Japanese people 's development of the foreign advanced culture , according to the bronze mirror of the Tang Dynasty discovered in China and Japan .

  5. 下面,我就为您介绍一枚唐代的铜镜。

    Now , I 'd like to introduce to you a bronze mirror of Tang Dynasty .