
  • 网络Discards
  1. 脱离持有物不是抛弃物,所有权人对之仍有所有权。

    As an out - of - held object is not something that has been thrown away , its possessor still has the right to possess it .

  2. 只是不易察觉而已,就像上帝抛弃了他的创造物一样

    Not in any discernible way . Perhaps in the way Gods abandon their creations .

  3. 费希特对康德哲学中的唯物主义因素加以否定,抛弃了自在之物,提出了自我概念,建立了以自我为中心的知识学。

    By negating the materialistic elements and subverting thing-in-itself in Kant 's philosophy , Fichte put forward the concept of ego , and Centring upon ego , he constructed the science of knowledge .