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  • curry powder
  1. 按所要求的口味轻重再加点咖喱粉。

    Add more curry powder depending on the strength required .

  2. 我不应该在这顿饭里多放那一汤匙的咖喱粉,我想我们都是事后才明白的。

    I shouldn 't have put that extra spoonful of curry powder in this meal , but I suppose we can all be wise after the event .

  3. 加一茶匙咖喱粉

    Add a teaspoonful of curry powder .

  4. 咖喱粉两种提取物的抑菌作用研究

    Study on antimicrobial activities of two kinds of Curry powder extracts

  5. 我可不会像咖喱粉一样被人共享。

    I will not be shared like a common curry .

  6. 加入柠檬汁、咖喱粉、盐及胡椒。

    Season with lemon juice , curry and salt and pepper to taste .

  7. 咖喱粉在餐桌上是多变的。

    Curry is the chameleon on the table .

  8. 选择普通的脱脂爆米花,再混一些咖喱粉让它更有风味。

    Choose plain , fat-free popcorn and jazz it up with some curry powder .

  9. 我只是想拿回我的咖喱粉。

    I just wanted my curry .

  10. 咖喱粉是众多调料之一,可以根据它的黄颜色来识别它。

    Turmeric This spice is present in many curries and can be recognized by its yellow color .

  11. 这就像批评猫在白天睡觉,或者用咖喱粉调味充当香料的味道。

    It 's like criticising cats for sleeping during the day , or curries for smelling of spices .

  12. 据英国《每日电讯报》报道,用葫芦巴制作的咖喱粉可以有效治愈普通感冒。

    Fenugreek often used to make curry could provide a cure for the common cold , the Daily Telegraph reports .

  13. 科学家展示,从嫩黄咖喱粉提取的一种物质可杀死癌细胞。

    An extract found in the bright yellow curry spice turmeric can kill off cancer cells , scientists have shown .

  14. 我要加一点咖喱粉,因为橘色加橘色味道会非常好。

    And I 'm gonna throw in a bit of curry powder , because orange on orange tastes really good .

  15. 一位名叫赫塔·霍伊韦尔的主妇用酒跟英国士兵换取咖喱粉,在那个时候,咖喱还属于罕见的异域香料。

    A housewife named Herta Heuwer traded liquor for curry powder , an exotic spice at the time , with British soldiers .

  16. 烧热3汤匙油,爆香洋葱、蒜蓉、葱、红辣椒及咖喱粉。

    Heat 3 tbsp oil . Saute onion , minced garlic , green onions , red chilies and curry powder until fragrant .

  17. 你可以用面包来盛咖喱粉和米饭而省去了器皿。

    Since you don 't use any utensils to eat , you can use this bread to scoop up the curry or rice .

  18. 现如今最广为人知的咖喱粉是英国人制作的,他们试图复制传统印度菜肴中咖喱的味道。

    The curry powder we know best is what the British produced when they tried to replicate the flavors they encountered in traditional Indian cooking .

  19. 由同一个体花粉或精子实现的受精。市售复合调味品五香粉和咖喱粉的精油抑菌作用

    Fertilization by the union of male and female gametes from the same individual . The Antimicrobial Activity of Essential Oil in Spiced Powder and Curry Powder

  20. 霍伊韦尔将咖喱粉加入用火慢炖的番茄里,做出了一种咖喱味的番茄酱,然后她将这种番茄酱浇在廉价的香肠上,做出了咖喱香肠。

    Heuwer added the powder to stewed tomatoes to make a kind of curried ketchup , which she poured over sausages , a cheap national staple .

  21. 姜黄素是咖喱粉的主要成分,它含有的抗氧化剂能有效抵抗脑部衰老,确保纵使年龄增长也会维持脑部认知功能。

    A main ingredient in curry powder , curcumin is full of antioxidants that help fight against brain aging and maintain cognitive function as you get older .

  22. 将黄油、蜂蜜、芥末及咖喱粉入锅加热(亦可添加酱油和蒜盐),不停搅动,至黄油熔化为止。

    Heat in a pot the butter , honey , mustard and curry powder ( soy and garlic , is using ) . Heat and stir until butter is melted .

  23. 把两杯椰子汁,1英寸鲜姜,一匙咖喱粉,1个小的鲜辣椒,2匙酸橘汁还有盐和胡椒做成果泥。

    Pur é e2 cups coconut milk , 1 inch fresh ginger , 1 tablespoon curry powder , 1 small hot fresh chili , 2 tablespoons lime juice and salt and pepper .

  24. 他们称,他们从姜黄中分离了一种化合物,可刺激一种特异反应以对抗阿尔茨海默病症状。姜黄是一种黄色调料,它构成了印度咖喱粉独特的颜色。

    They said they isolated a compound in turmeric , a yellow spice that gives Indian curry powder its distinctive color , that appears to stimulate a specific response against Alzheimer 's symptoms .

  25. 它使整个房间都弥漫着传染性的香味,细嫩的烤鸭肉片加上红咖喱粉和椰子酱是你马上就把它吃完,别无选择。

    It fills the room with an infectious aroma , and the slices of tender roasted duck meat in a red curry and coconut sauce leaves you no choice but to clean the plate .

  26. 结果表明,五香粉和咖喱粉精油有不同程度的抑菌作用,五香粉精油的抑菌能力高于咖喱粉精油。

    The results showed that obvious difference in antimicrobial activities existed in the two essential oils . By comparison , the general antimicrobial effect of Spiced powder essential oil is higher than that of Curry powder essential oil .

  27. 再入油,加洋葱、什锦蔬菜稍炒,入白米饭、虾仁、鸡丁,加盐、胡椒粉、咖喱粉,炒匀即可。

    Heat oil in the same pan , add onion and mixed vegetable ; then mix in rice , shrimp , chicken , salt , pepper , and curry powder , stir-fry a few minutes with medium heat .

  28. 白羊座讨厌味道寡淡的东西,喜欢辛辣食物,习惯加入罗勒、肉桂、咖喱粉等各种调味品。

    Aries likes variety -- so serve a bunch of appetizers . Fire Signs want their food to be hot and spicy . The Ram hates bland things and likes to spice up their meals with basil , cinnamon and curry .

  29. 射手座的热烈、火暴决定了他们喜欢辛辣食物,而且是放了丁香、咖喱粉和大蒜的。

    Sagittarius is always in the mood for something new and adventurous . Their fiery nature leads them to hot and spicy food with bold flavors featuring cloves , curry and garlic . They are also fond of fig trees and the color blue .

  30. 在柏林,当酒吧打烊的时候,成群结对喝醉酒的狂欢者们就会涌向咖喱香肠的小吃摊,人手捧着一个装满切碎的猪肉香肠的泡沫碟子,沉浸在这浓郁的,带有香料、番茄酱,且撒满咖喱粉的滋味之中。

    When the bars close in Berlin , throngs of well-lubricated revelers descend on currywurst stands for a Styrofoam plate of chopped pork sausage drowning in a thick , spiced tomato sauce dusted with curry powder .