
  • Coffee Machine;Coffee Maker
  1. 如果你买了一个带定时器的咖啡机,你就可以多睡一刻钟。

    That 's a quarter-hour more you could be sleeping if you bought a coffee maker with a timer .

  2. 这个咖啡机很酷。

    This coffee maker is cool .

  3. 你会使用咖啡机吗?

    Do you know how to work the coffee machine ?

  4. 她关掉了咖啡机。

    She switched off the coffee-machine

  5. 但事实上,SPOT带来了不少没人记得的产品,包括手表以及一系列咖啡机。

    In reality , SPOT found its way into a few forgettable products , including watches and a line of coffee makers .

  6. 今年5月,星巴克收购了CoffeeEquipment公司,这家小公司生产一种叫Clover的极为昂贵的咖啡机。

    In March Starbucks bought the Coffee Equipment Company , a small outfit that produces a hugely expensive coffee-making machine called the Clover .

  7. 副导演乔·王(JoelWang)想让泰勒扮演一个无名的背景人物,假装在咖啡机前工作,这样看起来比较真实。

    Assistant director Joel Wang vetted Taylor to be on set as an unnamed background character to mime working an espresso machine * just so it would look authentic .

  8. 啼姆霍顿(TimHortons)宣布,本月将在其上千家店里安装意式浓缩咖啡机(espressomachines)。

    Tim Hortons , home of the double-double , has announced it will install espresso machines in a thousand of its locations this month .

  9. 厨具包括一套盘子,一组叉子,德力牌烤面包机,价值2700英镑来自FracinoContempoCoffeeMachine的咖啡机,可制作咖啡吧水准的饮品。

    Copper accents include a set of pans , the knife block and Dualit toaster , while a £ 2700 Fracino Contempo Coffee Machine provides barista standard drinks .

  10. 店内有手拉式espresso咖啡机、特调烘焙单品爱思巴苏和调配牛奶咖啡专用的香醇意式综合咖啡豆,Tong对所有的基本元素都掌握得相当好。

    With a hand-operated espresso machine , house-roasted single-origin espresso and a delicious Italian blend used for milk coffees , Tong has got all of the basics right .

  11. 啼姆霍顿(TimHortons)是加拿大最大的快餐连锁,在加拿大有约3000家店,计划到今年12月中旬在其中的2500家店中安装意式浓缩咖啡机。

    Tim 's , the country 's biggest fast-food chain , expects to have espresso machines in2,500 of its3,000 locations by mid-December .

  12. 她已经有了一台Keurig咖啡机。

    She already owns a Keurig coffee maker .

  13. Keurig和Nespresso等胶囊咖啡机的超高人气,也加剧了市场的竞争压力。

    The popularity of single-serve coffee makers like Keurig and Nespresso have added pressure .

  14. 从ATM到意大利浓咖啡机,还有其它设备,这个市场的所有电动设备都是依靠四块240W太阳能电池板供能。

    From ATM to espresso machines , and equipment beyond that , all power-operated devices in this marketplace count upon four 240W solar panels .

  15. 在投入生产这些色彩缤纷的咖啡机之前,Keurig先测试了大型零售商的顾客与买家对样品的反应。

    Before committing to the colorful machines , Keurig tried out prototypes on consumers and buyers from major retailers .

  16. 在本人入住过的诸多四季酒店中,这是首家在客房里配备了Nespresso咖啡机与iPad的,而且还免费提供WiFi。

    Of the many Four Seasons I 've stayed in , this is the first where rooms are equipped with Nespresso makers and iPads , and where you don 't pay for the WiFi .

  17. Nespresso现在拥有175家精装店面。在这些店铺里顾客可以购买咖啡机、胶囊容器和其他的周边产品,也可以一边啜饮咖啡一边品味这种精致生活方式。

    Nespresso now has about 175 boutique storefronts where customers can buy machines , capsules and accessories , sip coffee and taste the lifestyle .

  18. 行政楼层客房及套房内另设有源自意大利的“奈斯派索”咖啡机以及时尚的I-PAD对接口。

    Executive Club Rooms and Suites has " Nespresso " coffee machine and I-PAD docking station to add a different feeling .

  19. 公司与Keurig单杯咖啡机的生产商合作开发台式自制可乐机的计划,标志着多年来的努力目标几近实现。

    The company 's plan to team up with the maker of the Keurig single-serve coffee brewers to develop a do-it-yourself countertop Coke machine comes pretty close .

  20. 费耶罗酒店(Soler5862;fierrohotel.com;双人间129美元起)坐落在巴勒莫好莱坞街区(PalermoHollywood)上的一处绝佳地点,性价比极高,配备的设施(不同枕头可选,奈斯派索[Nespresso]咖啡机)都是远为更贵的酒店才会使用的。

    With a great location in Palermo Hollywood , the Fierro ( Soler 5862 ; fierrohotel.com ; doubles from $ 129 ) is great value , with the amenities ( pillow menu , Nespresso machines ) of a much more expensive hotel .

  21. 这台特制的意式浓缩咖啡机叫做ISSpresso,在ASI的帮助下,由位于都灵的设计和软件公司亚果科技(Argotec)和意大利咖啡生产商Lavazza制作。

    A special espresso maker , named ISSpresso , was designed for the task by Argotec , an engineering and software firm based in Turin , and the Italian coffee producer Lavazza , with help from the space agency .

  22. 佛蒙特州伯灵顿(Burlington)的咖啡机制造商Keurig在即将于2月初上市的99美元“超迷你”咖啡机上采用了该色彩。这款咖啡机是该公司体型最小的产品,每次可以制作一杯咖啡。

    Keurig , the Burlington , Vt. - based coffee-machine maker , is using the color on its $ 99 ' mini plus ' single-serving machine -- its smallest -- which is coming out in early February .

  23. 当我触发了动作感应器之后,只有Revolv的智能化程度能够完成我下达的所有任务:开灯、上调Nest温控器温度、激活Sonos扬声器、给咖啡机通电。

    Once I triggered a motion sensor , Revolv was the only one smart enough to complete all the tasks I asked it to do : Turn on lights , crank up my Nest thermostat , activate my Sonos speakers and turn on the power to my coffee maker .

  24. 目前的合作伙伴包括惠而浦洗衣机(再订购洗衣用品)、兄弟打印机(墨水和碳粉)、Brita净水器和Quirky手冲咖啡机等产品。

    Listed on that page are partners such as Whirlpool ( re-order laundry supplies ) , Brother ( ink and toner ) , Brita ( water filters ) and Quirky ( which is launching a line of appliances including a fancy pour-ver coffee machine ) .

  25. 绿山公司表示,该公司的胶囊式咖啡机短短几年间已经渗入13%的美国家庭(SodaStream的渗透率为1%)。但汽水和咖啡是不一样的。

    Green Mountain says it already has reached 13 % U.S. household penetration for its pod-based coffee machine in a few years . ( SodaStream has a 1 % household penetration . ) But soda is different than coffee .

  26. 许多消费者可能不想花100到200美元添置一台Keurig冷饮机放在咖啡机旁边,让厨房台面乱上加乱――尤其是在SodaStream汽水机起售价仅为80美元的情况下。

    Many consumers might not want to fork out $ 100 to $ 200 for a Keurig cold drink machine that would sit next to their coffee makers on increasingly cluttered kitchen counters -- especially when SodaStream machines start at $ 80 .

  27. 咖啡机是合资生产,价格也各不相同,在巴黎门店中最基本的Krups和Magimix咖啡机售价为149欧元(折合189美元),豪华版的Miele数码咖啡机售价为1849欧元,还不包括安装费用。

    The coffee machines , which are co-branded , range from basic models by Krups and Magimix , which cost 149 euros ( $ 189 ) at the Paris store , to a deluxe Miele digital model at 1849 euros , not including installation .

  28. 客人可以享用咖啡机和洗衣机。

    Guests can benefit from a dishwasher and a washing machine .

  29. 有快速加热两用锅炉在这个咖啡机。

    There are quick heating dual boilers on this espresso machine .

  30. 把办公室咖啡机里的咖啡换成无咖啡因咖啡。

    Change the coffee in the office coffee maker to decaf .